Is it better to ask a girl to be my girlfriend before or after sleeping with her?

  1. I prefer after. Waste of time to date someone who you aren’t sexually compatible with

  2. I’d prefer before. Too many times, people will say they want a relationship but only want casual. None of my relationships started off with good sex. They got better with time.

  3. After unless you are dating for a long time before being sexual.

  4. I always mention casually that I prefer to be exclusive before moving to a sexual relationship. It helps take the pressure off for women who can feel rushed into having sex, and I don’t mind waiting if I’m connecting with a person the right way.

    Sometimes that starts the conversation about how she may not actually be looking for that sort of relationship and we can discuss each other’s expectations. Straight up casual sex is not usually something I go for because If I’m sleeping with someone I generally prefer to be the only one she’s sleeping with. But we just need to have an understanding about things.

  5. You ask her to be your girlfriend so that she will sleep with you. Didn’t you see that episode of Fresh prince of Bel air!?!

  6. You never ask a girl to be your girlfriend. She should be the one trying to lock you down!

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