My next therapy appointment isn’t till next week🥲🫠. Could use some support and or advice till then..

I was involved with someone who made inappropriate and disrespectful comments about my physical appearance and our intimate moments together. Despite that, I expressed my continued interest in seeing him and made plans to visit him in Tampa However, due to poor communication and misunderstandings, we missed the opportunity to meet up. The trip was very short 24th &25th. He had asked if I was here and I said yes but running behind schedule he said it’s cool. Later on in the night I told him I know it’s late but finally checking in. No response. Next day I asked if he was free. He said he was at work. I said okay taking it as he was busy. He was upset I came all this way didn’t see him and that I could have asked to get lunch or something or anything. On the 26th he messaged saying that I came and didn’t see and I said I was waiting on him and assumed he would take charge and was trying to go with the flow. he said he didn’t know I came and that he was waiting on me to send the address. ( He never responded to my check in message or called etc ) so I said how tragic I was waiting on you and you were waiting on me. on the 27th is when I sent my apology text things went left.

Despite my efforts, he failed to take responsibility for his hurtful comments and actions. This has left me feeling sad, disappointed, and wishing for a different outcome. The lack of proper communication, especially during my trip to Tampa, further added to the frustration and disappointment of the situation.

I reached out to apologize and convey my genuine feelings, hoping to make things right. Unfortunately, he responded negatively, blaming me for pushing him away and expressing his disinterest. I acknowledged my mistakes and asked for another chance, but he remained uninterested, referencing past instances as reasons for his lack of enthusiasm.

This has left me feeling sad, disappointed, and wishing for a different outcome. The lack of proper communication, especially during my trip to Tampa further added to the frustration and disappointment of the situation. Seeking advice and feedback. His messages made me feel like I’ve been such a problem and a flawed person.
I know I shouldn’t have begged for another chance and I’m hella embarrassed I did but just really liked him and overlooked the hurtful comments.

TL;DR short trip planned didn’t get to see the guy I was talking too. Told me giving up on me despite me begging for another chance.

  1. Umm, take that as a win. He already said rude/mean things about your body and being intimate with you. He treats you like utter shit. Don’t ever beg for someone to give you another chance. Especially from a loser like that!

    Move on, block him, and get some damn self esteem yo! You’re worth so much more than you are giving yourself credit for.

  2. >I was involved with someone who made inappropriate and disrespectful comments about my physical appearance and our intimate moments together.

    >he remained uninterested, referencing past instances as reasons for his lack of enthusiasm

    This should have been the end of things. Tampa trip was unnecessary as he already proved that he was a jerk.

  3. Why are you trying to force this to work out? He doesn’t treat you well, made no effort to see you, and then blamed it all on you. He’s not someone you could have a healthy relationship with.

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