I used to be super close with this friend as we talked almost everyday for about 2 years. As time passed she made new friends and we talked less and less now she’s been in a relationship for over a year now and barley even has talked to me since.

I think it’s time to finally let go as it feels like I’m the only one who initiates any convo. I’ll wish her a happy birthday in a few weeks, but I think after that I don’t ever plan on messaging her first ever again

  1. I didn’t have many friends and she was my oldest since middle school.

    It’s not that she became toxic is more like the things she was going through became too much for me to deal with.

    In my mind, whenever she’d text it wouldn’t be something I’d like, more of something I had to endure, constantly hearing of the depressing things of their life one after the other in line.

    When she finally got frustrated with me and ended the friendship, I was sad and relieved

  2. I realised I didn’t want to do any of the things they suggested, nor really even hang out with them anymore

  3. I was friends with a dude from college, and every time we’d hang out, he’d bring his girlfriend with, and they’d argue about shit. Straight up screaming at each other. And they’d always try to get me to take sides. Couldn’t abide it. Nice enough dude, just couldn’t cope with their relationship drama.

  4. When I had to put the friend before the friendship. A mate of mine was struggling with various things and I could see the path he was going down. I did as much as I could to help him out within the bounds of our friendship, but there came a point when I had a choice of betray his request for secrecy and watch him destroy himself or have a sit down with his family and intervene. I chose to intervene. It was the right choice, he’s now happy and back on the straight and narrow but the price was the relationship. If he ever calls, I’ll show, but he’s not quite come around yet and it’s been a few years.

    I made the right choice and my friend is okay as a result, that’s what matters. Losing the friendship was absolutely worth it and I would do the same again.

  5. Friendship never goes. you can just stop calling. You will still be friends. One day you two may start from where it stoped. Good friends don’t need to register attendance on time card.

  6. You don’t have to end friendships due to distance and time, that is part of life.

    I have friends i haven’t talked to for years. there is no love loss.

    I recently got in touch with an old female friend after my wife told me her husband asked for a divorce. Told her “I’ve heard rumours, I’m here if you need me”. we talked touched base and her and i went for coffee and i was just there to show her she isn’t alone. that’s it.

    friendships are based on love, respect and support not constant communication.

  7. I was 20 years old or something. I was dealing with some shit. I realized they were just beerbuddies, they only care aslong I got wasted with them every week. I stopped texting them, and going out with them once I realized. Just to see what would happen, never heared from them again. That was 11 years ago.

    During that time I had another group of friends. They went through hell and back for me when I was at my lowest. We have been friend for over 15years right now. They are like brothers to me.

  8. Friendship: Sometimes you have to be the Gandalf in their journey. You made a tough choice, buddy. Respect!

  9. Friends before friendship? More like intervention before inebriation! You did your mate a solid, cheers to that! 🥂

  10. They moved away and we grew apart. We went from seeing each other every weekend to a couple times a year and the messages went from daily to weekly to none at all. Also, I realised that it was only ever me reaching out. Its been over a decade now and I’m still waiting for him to send me a message.

  11. Well, when you’re the one initiating conversations, it’s time to let go and invest in some carrier pigeons for communication.

  12. When the night before a job interview for a position, I really needed a then very close friend, called me crying about a fight she was actively having with her bf. This was about 1am, and she said she was scared and had locked herself in the bathroom.

    I wanted to call the police and she wouldn’t let me hang up, saying she needed me to stay on the line, I kept asking but she was besides herself and I didn’t get the address off her, and suddenly the call went dead.

    I sent the next 6-7 hours desperately trying to figure out where she was calling her and trying to contact anyone I thought might’ve known her bf’s address. I got a call from her at 8.30 in the morning, saying she’d left him and was at her mums.

    I was beside myself, and she apologised, saying she fell asleep after getting home and didn’t think to call me again. Needless to say, after being emotionally drained and not sleeping, I failed the 10am interview and found out two days later when she tagged the BF in a Facebook post about how much she was looking forward to her birthday meal with him that she’d gotten back together with him.

    I stopped responding to any text or acall from her after that.

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