What are some things you do to get through a 9-5?

  1. I’m used to it. I guess it’s just practice for me. I’ve been in work and/or school for similar amounts of hours since I was 5 years old, so 41 years later it’s just something I’m accustomed to doing.

  2. I hang on for about a yr and either get burnt out, depressed, get tired of my coworkers, etc.

  3. Umm just focus on my work? Go for a coffee break? It’s not that hard… I enjoy my job. I think about the fact that at least I don’t have to work weekends and my evenings are free.

  4. Remind myself that this isn’t volunteer work. I’m being paid for my time. I don’t dislike my job, though. I’m not always thrilled about the environment, but the work itself is fine and there’s plenty to keep my mind from wandering too much.

  5. 9-5 ist pure luxury and my main goal rn. currently working 50-60 hour weeks to get by. enjoy your weekends. take a day after work to run all the errands so they’re condensed. start a cool hobby, join a club

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