do you still get carded at bars and restaurants?

  1. Only if I shave. They then have to figure out who’s I D I have stolen as its a picture of me with a beard.

  2. I did, not too long ago and I rode that wave of satisfaction probably longer than I should have, lol!

    Are you still getting carded?

  3. It’s about 50/50 now. I have some grays now, but maybe a young face when shaved.

    Some places just card everyone.

  4. I think the last time was when I was 26.

    But now my hairs thinning and I haven’t clean shaved in about 12 years.

  5. If it’s a place that has a policy to card everyone, the bartender/server is trying to work people for better tips, or it’s a place where they’ve had issues with serving underage people, then yes. Otherwise, no.

    I did, however, get carded this winter when buying cold medicine from the grocery store. It wasn’t even the stuff you have to get from behind the counter or from a locked case.

  6. I think the last time I was carded in a bar or restaurant was on my 30th birthday. It was somewhat flattering.

    When my area was under a mask mandate, I sometimes got carded at the liquor counter in my local grocery store.

  7. My boyfriend is in his 30s and never gets carded when we go out together.

    I’m in my 20s and often don’t get carded just by being with him lol

  8. No and I takes me sad. Most places have the 30 or older sign. So when those places stopped. . . I no longer qualified as baby faced. Though some people still guess late 20s occasionally, so that’s good enough I guess.

  9. Yes. Been this way since I was 21.

    I’m Asian so it’s something I have to live with eternity.

    The only bright side is that I fucking hate bars or clubs, so I don’t have to deal with it often.

  10. I’ve been carded twice since I turned 16. The last time was a few years ago by a new employee trying to do the right thing and I was entertained.

    My wife gets carded about 1/2 the time because she takes after her mother who I thought was her sister when we met back when I was 15.

    I’ve looked old for a long time… Or maybe because I was 6’4″ at 13?

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