Hi, I was going to use an Alt, But I am confident this will not be seen by him.
For a bit of background, I(15NB) am an Alt Person of Colour(Goth & Metalhead), and dress that way as I am confident with how I appear, He(16M) dresses casually, Hoodies and Pants.
We had started dating during a school break after having gone on a date to a local park. During the first few weeks he had been avoidant of PDA at school but would always show it in public(outside of school) or in private having stated that it is his personal preference. This would personally have held up if he wasn’t showing PDA with female friends in the past before having started dating me(Mainly hugs or touching his hair, which he hadn’t let me do publicly till weeks in). What unfortunately solidifies this is the way he reacts when we’re in public and someone asks if I’m a guy or girl and he looks uncomfortable with my response, I’ve caught him before in the past misgendering me to save himself from being assumed to be Queer because people are not able to tell. One last thing I feel the need to mention; We communicate greatly, we go on dates frequently, we’ve introduced each other to our families and more, It’s just that I fear that now it’s getting later on he’s hasn’t been putting in as much effort as he originally had in the beginning along with the fact that some of the things I’ve expected for him to do as a partner has not been done by him but instead by other friends of mine, I’ve tried communicating this issue in the past that I do not feel appreciated/noticed and he corrected it for a while but then slowly slipped back into how he is currently acting.

I think I am my BFs safe option due to his avoidant nature with me but in the past having acted different with his female friends with ease, How he is afraid of being assumed to be Queer based on my gender identity, how we’ve done things like introducing each other to family, and how I’ve tried to ask him to correct habits in which are making me feel ignored and unappreciated, it having worked for a while but becoming how it was before leading me to seek said habits in friends instead.

ONE LAST THING!! I do not mind him having female friends, as from what I am aware of he has an even split of both male and female friends, I’m mainly referring to the two that I know of who have done this stuff and not dating him but not letting me do it and I am his partner. We knew each other for 9 months before starting to date.

1 comment
  1. Honestly you sound cool AF and I think it’s really lame that your boyfriend is acting embarrassed of you. High school guys can be like that, but you don’t need to put up with it.

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