If you are sitting next to a female, how normal is it to start a conversation with her if you are a guy? If you are entering a large waiting room, how normal is it to sit next to a female? How do female feel about a random guy just starting talking with you? Will you assume he have a alternative motivate, or is it normal? Culture context: I live in US

  1. Hoboy.

    First of all, *stop talking like that*. Stop talking like you’ve never read an *actual book* in your entire goddamn life. Stop referring to women as “females”. Stop using the same grammar as every spam email ever sent in the last 30 years.

    Second- if you enter a large waiting room, *don’t go sit next to a woman you’ve never met*. That just **screams** “creepy douchebag”. Nobody is in a **Large Waiting Room^(tm)** to *meet people*, they are there for some actual *reason*. And you trying awkwardly to strike up a conversation isn’t going to earn you any brownie points.

    Finally- ***yes***, if you go out of your way to sit next to a strange woman *everywhere you go* you are **absolutely** sending the signal that you have “alternative motivations”, and you are very much coming across as either creepy, sleazy, douchey, or all of the above.

    Go read some *books*, man. Actual paper books.

  2. Women get approached like that all the time and every single one hates it. For an average looking women it’s impossible to read a book on a park bench, because after 5 min a creep will set next to her and start a conversation. Don’t do that. Don’t be that creep. These behaviors always have alterior motives and women will always know that.

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