What would a $10,000 raise do for you?

  1. Not much. I’d rather be able to take the equivalent time off so that I can spend it with my family and on my phone.

  2. Not much tangible difference to my lifestyle. More into savings each paycheck.

  3. I’m currently a stay at home dad. So it would really confuse the hell out of me.

  4. Probably can get a grande coffee from Starbucks a couple of times.

  5. Save me.

    My cars about to break down and I can’t afford to buy a decent replacement, student debt payments are about to start, and i dint know if I can afford that either.

    The worst part is, I did everything right. I got scholarships, saved 2 years tuition by going to a cc first, and I got a good job out of college paying 54k a year. There’s no decision I could’ve made to be less stressed today, but cost of living is just too far above wages.

  6. Not as much as you think. Don’t go out and buy more shit. Live the same and save. Having 10k in your savings account is life changing.

  7. That’s like an extra $125 a week after taxes…I would probably pay one bill a week earlier, each week.

  8. I’d finally be able to get my rundown and self destructing deck fixed or rebuilt.

  9. It would probably cover most of the cost of living increases we’ve dealt with over the last few years. I still wouldn’t be making as much money as I should be to be considered “well off” but it would most certainly give me some breathing room financially.

  10. Ohhh I could buy some more groceries along with my bread and peanut butter

  11. Allow my wife to quit working or to not have to work doing what she does now. She’s extremely burnt out and management is micro managing too. Get that stress away from us

  12. If your talking 10k annually, that’s only like 600-700 a month increase, after taxes and deductions, and that’s being sorta generous.

    Now if your making 30k a year that’s fairly substantial, if your making 100k+ a year, it’s not much…. In my case, my income is a bit past the 2nd in a fairly low cost of living midwestern town.

    So really it’s a bit of mad money for me. I’m quite fortunate that I can save some of my current income already and live comfortably.

    Now if that’s monthly income, that pretty big for most anyone…..

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