if so, what were your experiences like? my (26F) sex drive is barely there due to my antipsychotic meds, and my husband (26M) understands bc he’s on an SSRI but still kinda has one. whereas mine is pretty much nonexistent. it’s annoying me bc I miss having sex. I have seen this pill at my job at the pharmacy and know what it’s for, I just want to see what peoples experiences were like.

  1. I would for sure have a nice long talk with your doctor before mixing a 5-HT1A receptor agonist with an SSRI. You may want to try shaking up the SSRI before adding another medication.

  2. You can’t get it here in the UK or really anywhere outside the States. If you do get it, you apparently can’t drink any alcohol whatsoever.

    Honestly going on an antipsychotic medication was the worst mistake I ever made in my life and I was only able to recover my physical health after tapering off them. They’re absolutely hideous

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