Hi all, I’m turning 17 and parties have never been my forte. I have multiple anxiety disorders and organising things + having people over has always been difficult for me. I think it’s been ten years since I’ve had a birthday party. I’m not throwing a rager or anything, but there will be a lot of people. I don’t know what teenagers like to do when everybody has to stay sober at the party (my friends know I was a previous alcohol and drug addict). I just want to be a good host and have a nice time with my friends and not have everyone be too bored.

  1. What kinda friends do u have ? Because that could play a lot into the party u want to throw

  2. There is no reason to be in your head about this because I guarantee you that everybody else is in theirs. Have some music playing, some good snacks + drinks laying out, smile at people when they arrive and and live in the moment with conversations. Things will go fine.

  3. It’s not your job to make sure everyone has a banger of a time. After all, it’s your birthday party. No one’s attending expecting to be the star of the show.

    Make sure you have space to accommodate everyone, enough food and drink for everyone, maybe plan out some games and activities beforehand, and try your best to include everyone in whatever y’all will have going on. No one expects (or should expect) anything more than that from you. You can’t do anything about an awkward atmosphere, it’s up to everyone else to get out of their comfort zone and get along and entertain themselves.

  4. Just to let you know…you don’t have to get everyone at one place. You can celebrate separately with each of your friend groups. I had this same problem until I realized this. Sonetimes, groups of people really just don’t fit together and there is no reason to force it. You are the only one who knows if that’s the case here.

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