I’m 22 and this man (34) has been for months asking me on a date. I finally said yea (because why not it’s just a date) and he’s been messaging me SO much in the mean time. We go out in a couple of days, and he triple texts, sometimes even quadruple when I don’t reply for a while. He even deleted a message and typed a new one and when I asked why he said he made a spelling mistake (he didn’t because I saw the original message). He’s messaging me planning our next dates and we haven’t even been on the first one yet. I personally feel like it’s too much. He offered to pick me up for the date too but said I would drive myself there as don’t really want him knowing my address. I’m a very independent girl and whilst I am dating i’m also very happy to remain single so for me this is all just a bit much. Would you go on the date or cancel?

  1. Cancel.

    It would be sad for someone your own age to be so unaware of boundaries.

    By 34, there’s no way he is unaware. This is intentional. That’s dangerous.

  2. I am male, but if I were female I would be like: “Sorry Bob, but you are acting like a desperate little girl with all your stupid texts. Don’t be baby. I am moving on. Don’t contact me again EVER.” Then I would block him. Hopefully that would make it clear to him where he is going wrong and maybe the next girl would have a better experience.

  3. First Date: He ambushes you by introducing you to his family, then getting down on one knee to present you an engagement ring.

  4. You can give him my number. Men are, by nature, unless you’ve got a b****, hunters. They go into pursuit mode, when there’s something they want. Either find yourself a simp, or be upfront about liking to play games. Leave the real men for those of us who appreciate being chased.This kind of foolishness is why a lot of men are afraid to approach women.

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