Whenever I bring up something that I don’t like or anything of that sort she will always take a defensive side to things or have an upset/angry tone with me to the point where I will drop the convo for a bit, I will later pick up the conversation to try and solve the issue but she usually responds with “what” in an upset tone or “I don’t know what to tell you” she tells me sorry about it and don’t know if has anything to do with her trauma from parents (verbal abuse) or mental illness (BPD) it still makes it hard for me to tell her things or I get somewhat nervous/scared to bring things up. I just don’t know what to do and she can’t afford a therapist like she’s been trying to do, she’s definitely trying to get better but it just keeps repeating.

TL:DR girlfriend gets upset when I get upset resulting in our argument to end when we both didn’t fix the issue

  1. Can you please give a specific example? It really depends how you are approaching her on topics that make you upset. Her response could be totally justifiable or not, depending.

  2. Help me out here: it’s ok for you to be upset but she’s supposed to be this higher level of human to where she doesn’t take offense to being the target of a tirade? Is that what you’re expecting? Her to just listen to you berate her for what? Her expanded consciousness? No.

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