How would you feel about your partner taking steroids to look good for you?

  1. Considering I don’t even find ripped bodies attractive, I think that would be an extra stupid fucking thing to do.

  2. Concerned and probably really pissed at myself if they felt that they needed to go to that extent.

  3. Hard pass.

    I don’t date people who use substances, and I don’t like muscular dudes. So that’s gonna be a lose-lose for me. The very thought kind of disgusts me, to be honest.

  4. They wouldn’t be my partner. Then again, I’m not attracted to men.

  5. Horrible. I love his body, he could do with trimming his hair a bit lmao but nah if he touched steroids I’d feel horrible that he felt like he had to do that in the first place

  6. I’d tell him that I already find him incredibly attractive and that I value his health more then his physicality. Then I’d ask him to not take them.

  7. Big turnoff. Comes off as very insecure. I would probably feel a lot of pity and if they didn’t stop taking them, it would be over.

  8. I don’t want my beautiful wife to turn into a dude, thanks.

    Guys who take it get impotent and their balls shrink. Plus the whole heart disease and roid rage stuff.

  9. Pissed off. That’s so unhealthy! And my partner already looks good for me. I tell him how good he looks all the time.

  10. Horrified. Yuck on every level. He’s naturally sexy AF to me and steroids are terrible for you used like that.

  11. It’s unnecessary. I don’t care about looks. I care about a person’s heart and character first and foremost. If you have an ugly heart, then you have an ugly appearance and are unattractive to me.

  12. Steroids really mess with your hormones. I dated a guy years ago that was on them and he had serious emotional problems from it. I seen a picture after we broke years later and he came off them and was extremely overweight. Tell him to eat meat and pump iron the old fashioned way.

  13. I’ve been there. My husband took steroids at age 26-28 it was an easy way to a buff body. He felt super good about himself, confident booster. I gained nothing from it. He became full of himself and cocky towards the last year. It was a turn-off. He’s been clean off steroids ever since.

  14. That’s some sort of oxymoron. The only reason it would be ‘for me’ is if I’d asked him to do it… and that is full on abusive, controlling nastiness to ask someone to harm their body and risk their mental health like that.

    If I didn’t ask then it’s zero % about me and it’s all been cooked up in their own mind and alllllll about them. I couldn’t be with someone who was that confused about what I like and need in a partner. Vanity that puts your health at risk is just not a thing I’m in to.

  15. I wouldn’t ask or want them to take them to look good for me. If they are taking them, it’s for themselves.

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