Was your 6th grade elementary or middle school?

  1. Elementary.

    The NYC system at the time was K-6, 7-9 (Junior hHigh), and 10-12 (High), except that my high school (and probably most or all others) had a 9th grade as well to accept those students who went to private schools, often parochial schools, for grades 1-8.

  2. Age matters, I’m Gen X so K-6 was elementary, 7-9 junior high, and 10 thru 12 high school.

    My mother (silent generation) had K-12 in not just one school, but one room. Small town.

  3. I was the last 6th grade class in my elementary school. The next year was middle school (6,7,8) so I only spent 2 years in middle school.

  4. Middle. The standard is that you have preschool, elementary school is kindergarden to 5th, middle is 6th through 8th, and then high is 9-12.

  5. My school district:

    Elementary: K-6

    Junior High: 7-9

    High School: 10-12

    My kids’ Catholic School:

    Elementary: K-6

    Junior High: 6-8

    High school: 9-12

  6. Elementary. K-6 was one school, 7th and 8th in junior high, and 9th-12th in high school.

  7. Elementary. In my town, there was one public school, K-12 in one building. You spent K-6 in the elementary wing, 7-12 in the secondary wing. All grades used the same gym and lunch room–at different times of day.

    Grades 7-8 were considered junior high. But having to be in the secondary wing, it kinda felt like high school. We were bottom-of-the-barrel, but my dumb ass and my friends had fun.

  8. Middle. My district was a little funny, though.

    K-4 was elementary, middle was 5-6, junior high 7-8 and 9-12 high school. Those were all different campuses and named accordingly.

  9. I went to very rural schools in a rural county. We had K-8 then high school. I think my graduating class was around 80 something people. The county has since switched to a K-5, middle school, high school system.

  10. Middle/ Intermediate school is 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.

    Jr. High is 7th and 8th grade.

    Some districts will do one, some will do the other. For districts wit Jr. Highs, 6th grade will be elementary school. I went to a middle school for 6th and 7th grade, then switched districts and did 8th grade at a jr. high.

  11. Middle School, which went from 6th to 9th–though most left after 8th and chose to go to High School for 9th.

  12. It was in middle school but due to overpopulation at the middle school, my elementary school decided to extend the school year to add 6th grade.

    So I had 6th grade in elementary school. Which was awkward since we already had 5th grade graduation, but stayed exactly where we were.

  13. 6th grade is a gray zone that varies by district.

    K-5 is definitely grade school. 7-8 is definitely jr high.

    6th grade varies by how the buildings were built and where space for that grade is.

    At my school K-8 was all in one big building and 6th grade was on the Jr. High side of the building but was still mostly 5th grade with lockers and changing for gym class.

    There are some districts where HS is the final 3 years, 10-12, there are some that have separate high schools for 9-10 and 11-12.

    In the big picture graduating HS is the thing that matters, so the way the grades are sorted prior to that doesn’t matter much.

  14. I went to three different districts from moving around so much.
    First district 6th was middle.

    Second district 6th was its own school

    Third district 6th was elementary (and 9th was Middle/junior high).

    My son’s school moved 6th grade from elementary to middle/junior when he was in 5th grade.
    My stepson is entering the 6th at the middle school.

  15. In 12 years of school, I went 11 schools in 6 different school systems… My 6th grade the 6th Grade Center – all 6th graders in the county attended it.

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