I just starting posting a few photos during my trip in Canada through Instagram, and noticed an old friend from a bookclub discord server looked at one of my stories.
She’s from Canada (Ontario). I’m at Alberta now. I thought about going to Ontario next year due to events I want to attend. Should I message her and what should I say for I should, without making things weird? I miss socializing with her. We haven’t spoken since late 2021/early 2022. I told her and others that I’m waaayy to busy to hangout discord server and stuff.

  1. If I were you I would probably just say “Heyyy xxxx how are you? Still remember me? 😊” and then just let the conversation go with the flow.

  2. yess do it do it do it. i usually try and get them talking ab their day and pick something from there. like oh u mentioned this person what are they like. u did this activity did it like it. like literally any piece of information she provides u can ask about. the way i make it sound casual might not be ur style but i just talk a lot so i come across as sincere casual and yet into the conversation (hopefully). like …”hiiihihi we haven’t talked in a while how’ve u been ??? how’s life?? 😮 (oh it’s fine whatever) “did u do anything fun today?” – “oh really lol she sounds fun” “ yk whatever amd wherever the conversation goes. this may not apply to u like at all but gl anyways!!!

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