Do you think Americans are becoming less patriotic these past few years during 4th of July?

  1. I think it depends on how you would define “patriotic”. I very much love the United States, but I also see the problems here and want to fix them. Some people would consider that unpatriotic because I’m pointing out the problems while others would consider it very patriotic because I want the United States to be the best it can be.

  2. I am in my 40’s and cannot remember a time when the 4th of July was anything more than an excuse to have parties, shoot fireworks, drink, and have fun. Everyone probably acknowledges the significance of the day in some way or the other, but not many people take it that seriously.

  3. Most holidays to most people are just some combination of a day off/ excuse to drink/ reason to see friends or family/ excuse to shoot fireworks/ excuse to make extravagant meals.

  4. In online spaces these days, it’s the fashion to hate on everything, including one’s own country. In my day, the fashion was to wear an onion on your belt.

  5. In what way? I think being patriotic is supporting education and our public libraries and protecting our national parks and not polluting our country. I also think paying taxes to support these things & support the military (while active or retired) is patriotic. Devotion to country seems like it means trying to make it the best it can be. Not worshipping it.

    When I was a kid in the 1970s the actual holiday seemed like it was just about fireworks and barbeques. Now it seems to have a fair share of virtue signaling about thanking Vets or something.

  6. In 1814, we took a little trip
    Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip’
    We took a little bacon and we took a little beans
    And we caught the bloody British in the town of New Orleans

    We fired our guns and the British kept a-comin’
    There wasn’t as many as there was a while ago
    We fired once more and they began to runnin’
    On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

  7. Americans in general ? No. Not at all. There’s currently a 12 foot (3.65 m) tall US flag over a business in my town. They replaced their normal American flag with AMERICA: THE FLAG to celebrate the holiday. I wish I took a picture of it

  8. Based on the sheer number of fireworks being set off, and parties being thrown in my neighborhood this week I’d say patriotism is alive and well in Wyoming.

  9. I’ve become extremely less patriotic but that’s because of a swiftly changing world view

  10. I think what people on social media say is not reflective of what most Americans think.

  11. I’m taking the given day off and hanging out doing my normal routine. I’m not proud to be American, and firmly believe the country’s best days are behind it. I’ve completely given up on it, and I’m extremely jaded about everything that comes along with being American, but maybe I’ll have a hot dog.

  12. No. Went for a walk to the butcher shop with my kid. Saw a golf cart with red white and blue streamers speed by with 4 ladies. Walked by an old school cholo who hit us with a “happy fourth, brother!”. The Arabic dude at the liquor store chatted with us about our plans for the day. And everyone’s out getting last minute stuff for their bbq.

  13. July 4th is supposed to celebrate our freedom from the tyranny of king George. Over the past few years, we’ve lost so many freedoms that it feels like we’re back under his rule

  14. Plenty going on around here. Pool parties, bbq’s, illegal fireworks, guns blasting. Seems pretty much the same as always .

  15. I love my country, and for that reason, I will forever criticize it. I want America to be better.

  16. What do you mean by that? I’ve never celebrated the 4th, I don’t see the big deal. If your patriotism check is how enthusiastically someone celebrates an arbitrary holiday I think you have a pretty shallow concept of patriotism.

  17. TBH, the Fourth has never been about patriotism to me. It’s just a chance to take the day off and enjoy being around family. I don’t spend much time thinking about the reason for any holiday.

    I just live my life. It doesn’t make any sense to me to be proud of something I didn’t choose and that doesn’t cause me any adversity.

  18. I think it’s more about entitled people needing to be outraged about something. That and like every other holiday it’s basically about sales and getting drunk anymore.

  19. R/Minnesota has a post of a city 7/4 party with a fuck Biden flag. Embracement of fascism and kkk by religious groups is ruining freedom

  20. I just saw men and women of every ethnicity all scrambling to buy cheap beer and seltzers in a Safeway including a woman in a hijab. No, ‘Murica is alive and well at least here in northern Virginia even if loud and board people on social media don’t want it to be.

  21. Weirdo losers on the internet that are amplified by news media desperate for clicks are expressing these sorts of views. Normal working non-losers are barbecuing or hanging out and enjoying the company of family and friends or just enjoying the holiday and appreciate that this is the greatest country in the world—in large part because the bravest, smartest and most entrepreneurial immigrants from every other country come here to live.

  22. I have definitely noticed a more muted response this time than 5-6 years ago. People i know who would look forward to party and have fun havent done that this year. People said covid in 2020 and 2021 but its 2023 and people are posting less about 4th of july.

    Also i live in a fairly diverse neighborhood with a lot of indian immigrants and almost none of them are celebrating so there is that too.

  23. No but I feel like the ones who are are very vocal about it and that can make it seem that way

  24. They’re still out there celebrating and socializing. One group is likely going to spend the whole time sticking it to the libs some kind of way by making some grandiose gesture and think someone on the other side is going to be majorly offended when they really just think they’re psychotic and need a mental evaluation.

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