Do you watch the Weather Channel?

  1. My mother in law loves to watch the weather channel lol. Personally though no I do not.

  2. No, I ditched cable years ago. But the built-in weather app on my phone is by The Weather Channel, so I engage with them that way.

  3. It’s almost always on at work, otherwise, only when there’s severe weather.

  4. Nope. The circus they put on every time a tropical system comes anywhere near land makes me unable to take them seriously. I saw with my own eyes Jim Cantore fighting a strong wind. He was really leaning into it. In reality it was actually a mild breeze. I saw one of their other guys sitting in a canoe to show how deep the water was. He had the canoe over a ditch on the side of the road. The water everywhere else was only a few inches deep. I don’t have any time for those who values the spectacle over the information.

  5. Not actively, but I do appreciate when it’s on in the background in places like hotels or airports.

  6. If a major storm is in the area than yes, also for some background noise if nascar isn’t on. I don’t have a streaming service yet

  7. When I actually had TV I used to watch it all the time. I quite enjoyed some of the actual shows they had/have on there.

  8. I used to, but they got more and more sensationalist over the years. I drew the line when they started naming winter storms to give people a more concrete thing to be afraid of.

  9. No, but every family member over 70 does.

    Yay!! It’s time to watch weather on the nines.

  10. I do. I love a good weather event and I love how excited they get about weather.

    I usually only watch when there’s a hurricane or big storm system coming through though.

  11. Sure. It’s on 24/7. I call it my “window” though. Because it’s a pane of glass covering a square hole in my house.

    If I want to know what the weather is like I can just look out of that glass-covered hole in my house and see for myself. I don’t need a reporter to tell me about it.

  12. I haven’t had cable in about 10 years. I’ll look at the NHC website occasionally during hurricane season or if someone mentions a storm. Most weather type of channels are really dramatic now it seems

  13. In 2008 I did

    Actually I take that back, I watched weatherscan, which was basically just a channel that showed the local weather while playing elevator music

  14. Not The Weather Channel but James Spann is a state celebrity in Alabama as the meteorologist for ABC 33/40. I miss watching him as weird as that is.

  15. I love natural disaster documentaries and the ones on the Weather Channel are pretty decent. I enjoy watching those. Lol

  16. Some of the shows they have are cool. Usually watch them when a major storm is going to hit the area.

  17. This is unrelated, but my brother (who is in a locally popular band) learned the tune from the weather Channel, and plays it while prepping for a show until someone recognizes it. It is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.

  18. No. I’m a young person with a phone. I go weeks at a time without even turning my tv on. And unless it’s an app I don’t think we have weather channel.

  19. Back when I worked at a car wash yea, mornings and nights. There was one caster who was so awesome me and a coworker got a little obsessed and he sent a letter(that long ago) asking for an autograph and we got two signed headshots.

    Wish I could recall his name, I’d want to see how his career turned out.

  20. I used to back in the 90s and early 2000s. My tv had an alarm setting so I had it turn on in the morning so I could watch the weather Local on the 8s as I got ready for school/college. Now it’s be one overly sensationalized like any other news media so I don’t bother any more.

  21. I don’t.

    My uncle, who is constantly traveling around the country on planes, does all the time.

  22. Yeah, they have some good shows on. Half the people here don’t realize that they don’t only show weather though

  23. I haven’t had cable in almost a decade.

    But it’s the only channel that gets good reception on the family boat, so when it’s rainy at the beach…

  24. Watching The Weather Channel until the power goes out is the traditional way to begin hurricane parties around here. Otherwise, I don’t really watch it but I do check the weather app on my phone that uses its information daily.

  25. I actually love The Weather Channel and have it on pretty regularly. It’s made me into a meteorology nerd, between its standard weather coverage, educational/informational specials, and other shows. No regrets!

  26. I actually love The Weather Channel and have it on pretty regularly. It’s made me into a meteorology nerd, between its standard weather coverage, educational/informational specials, and other shows. No regrets!

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