What should be done about the rising homeless rate?

  1. Offer them one way tickets to the European country that believes they could solve our problems if we were just more like them.

  2. All jobs should pay a living wage, contracting shouldn’t be used when a full time employee can provide the same service.

    Developers should have to build 3 affordable & 2 market rate units for every luxury unit built, in the same school district. to be re-evaluated as our housing needs change through time & region.

  3. The question is *why* the homeless rate is rising. Until we have a good answer to that question, we cannot propose a solution. Most likely it’s a combination of factors that have to be addressed independently.

  4. I saw a report on some news show – PBS NewsHour, maybe? – that talked about how Houston is battling their homeless situation. Apparently getting people settled into apartments first is the most important thing as it takes away so much stress.

  5. The source by far is housing costs. Build tons and tons of high density and mixed use housing. New Zealand did it and their housing costs and homeless rates have gone down.

  6. House them. There are plenty of empty apartments. Get them into a program run by the city/county/state that allows them to stay there as long as they’re working. Says plan would also help them with job assessment & placement. And don’t even get me started on the ludicrous lack of liveable wages across the country. I’m so sick of getting emails for jobs paying $18/$19 per hr. Those are 2009 rates, not 2023!

  7. Build enormous numbers of homes in the areas people want/need to live. Homelessness, to some extent, is just an extreme manifestation of being housing burdened, particularly for renters.

    Missing middle housing, like townhomes and fourplexes, gets a lot of attention nowadays, and it’s great and more easily marketable politically.

    But we need missing small housing like tiny homes, RV parks, microunits, vecindades/shared housing/rooming and board. And, especially in wealthy urban areas, missing large housing. High rises, skyscrapers, and midrises should be the norm in places like Los Angeles, but look at the size of their downtown, it’s tiny. The housing they build is 5-over-1 even in the most desirable areas, but the demand far outstrips 5-over-1’s being the most economical solution in such a place.

  8. Fine landlords for having excessive vacant properties. This will force them to lower the cost of rent.

  9. The only really effective thing would be overturning O’Connor v Donaldson

  10. Make them not homeless… either that or send them to the Mariana Trench? Idk I’m just throwing out ideas here

  11. We need to have a better safety net for people that are affected by housing cost such as temporary government housing. We also need better health services for the people that are homeless do to mental and substance abuse problems.

  12. Give them government-subsidized housing. There have been studies done that show the best way to curb homelessness in the long term is to give people a solid foundation that lets them build their lives again.

  13. First and foremost we need to get mental healthcare under control, that would go a long way since people with proper mental healthcare will be more likely to get through life without as many issues.

  14. It’s tough because lots of homeless people don’t want help. Either they’re too proud, or they’re too far gone with addiction/mental illness. Even if you give them free housing they won’t always take it. I think a serious look at mental healthcare plus improving addiction treatment is the solution

  15. Give housing to people and any other resources they need for it to be sustainable. Ofc the ruling class will never give that so again the answer comes back to dictatorship of the proletariat and seizing of PRIVATE (not personal) property

  16. Rent control can help. Building more affordable apartments instead of expensive condos (looking at you Portland OR).

  17. Let the Russians bomb the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant and start World War 3 and the problem will solve itself.

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