Tbh conscription for some countries at times may be necessary but the idea of a lottery on national television is a little sick by todays standards. How do you think it will be decided if America has to draft people into the army again?

  1. >How do you think it will be decided if America has to draft people into the army again?

    Hopefully with a massive riot.

  2. Writing a fictional short story are we? The draft is bad, conscription is bad. If we have another draft it’s because we’ve been invaded and we’d be volunteering anyway.

  3. I’m probably too old to get drafted but I’m also a dual citizen so if conscript looked likely I would be on the next flight to Canada.

  4. To be honest, if a draft ever occurred again in the US it would mean that things have gone terribly, terribly wrong for us. I would hate to live in that world.

    That being said, the way the draft would work isn’t a mystery. This piece from the Selective Service explains it pretty well:

    >A draft held TODAY would use a lottery to determine the order of call.

    Before the lottery was implemented in the latter part of the Vietnam conflict, there was no system in place to determine order of call besides the fact that men between the ages of 18 and 26 were vulnerable to being drafted. Local boards called men classified 1-A, 18-1/2 through 25 years old, oldest first. This lack of a system resulted in uncertainty for the potential draftees during the entire time they were within the draft-eligible age group. All throughout a young man’s early 20’s he did not know if he would be drafted.

    A draft held today would use a lottery system under which a man would spend only one year in first priority for the draft—either the calendar year he turned 20 or the year his deferment ended, whichever came first. Each year after that, he would be placed in a succeedingly lower priority group and his liability for the draft would lessen accordingly. In this way, he would be spared the uncertainty of waiting until his 26th birthday to be certain he would not be drafted.

  5. Never going happen, any conflict that would need a draft will go nuclear before the draft even gets off the ground

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