Hey guys i just joined this app today 🙂

Here’s my venting story ,i started dating a guy about a month ago things were going pretty well, first date was amazing and we kissed on the second date, we planned another date but he cancelled, i suggested another date it worked, he has cancelled a couple of times and i understood because he gave me proper reasons, then he started giving me mixed signals and the communication was bad like texting after 24hrs , but when we meet he was always on his best behaviour so caring and considerate, i talked to him about what basic communication means to me and he said he was gonna change, i really liked this guy he is funny kind and very handsome, treats people and me with respect and even though we didn’t have sex but i could feel the sexual attraction and tension and chemistry when we were together.
So last week i asked him if we could meet up for dinner and he said he couldn’t, i understood and he offered if we could meet up on Saturday instead, i agreed , i sent him the location of where i thought would be a nice place and he said no i will send you the location, Saturday morning this guy still didn’t send the location i went to work around 12pm and i barely touch my phone when am working, i clocked out of work around 4pm and checked my phone this guy still hasn’t sent me the location so i called him and he cancelled my call and texted me that he will call me back which he never did, then asked me if i could meet him on another day, boy was i pissed off!!
I called him out on his behaviour and told him that i will not see him again ,he did not even apologise or explain what happened.

was i harsh? Did act too fast?

  1. Nope I think you did great. If he’s like this now imagine 5+ years with him. He’s supposed to try the most right now and he’s not

  2. Oh hell nah. Woman, wake up. He is not into you and he probably seeing someone else

  3. So move on. This is exactly what dating is. You meet someone, it doesn’t work out, you move on. Until you you meet the one that does work out

  4. “I really liked this guy… treats people ~~and me~~ with respect”

    No he didn’t. Glad to hear you stopped seeing him.

  5. Are you sure he is not in a relationship and perhaps even living with someone? His evasiveness sounds sketch as hell.

  6. He was looking for a side piece. Sounds like he’s taken with the constant rescheduling and canceling calls to text.

    He was with his wife.

  7. You told him that you would not see him again after you called him out on his behavior.

    That’s fine there’s nothing wrong with that.

    But expecting an apology or an explanation is pretty stupid.

    He doesn’t owe you an apology or an explanation if he’s literally not going to see you again.

    Yes you are definitely harsh.

    And probably acted too fast but that’s fine that’s what your needs are.

    There’s nothing wrong with ending something for any reason nobody’s entitled to a relationship with you.

    But no reason to be harsh and no one‘s entitled to an apology or an explanation especially if you have no intention of seeing him again an apology and an explanation are pointless and irrelevant at that time.

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