What little habits in a couple make you think they’re good together?

  1. Getting over small arguments quickly. Remember, you can never change her mind, but you can change her mood.

  2. Bantering and joking back and forth. Shows comfort and they like to laugh together

  3. The habit of being urself, not wearing matching clothes and not being controllingđź‘Ť

  4. Unconscious stuff, usually. They move together with next to no communication. Not one taking cues but synced, ya know? The ones that don’t have that usually feel way more need to match in a highly visible way or cling right next to each other but when they mesh they just mesh.

  5. I can’t really say. I feel like it’s usually pretty clear they genuinely enjoy each others’ company when the “film” *isn’t* rolling. (Especially these days.)

  6. When they build each other up and take pride in each other’s accomplishments no matter how small.

  7. I feel like the more inside jokes they have, the better they are together.

  8. Repairing after conflict. Couples with a good sense of humor that make each other laugh.

  9. Shitting with the SO not only in the bathroom, but having a full-blown conversation while doing it.

  10. Not focusing on appearance of your partner but if it’s something that bothers them than help them with it

  11. When both partners can throw banter at each other like they’re besties.

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