To make a long story short, we’ve been dating for eight months now. The first two months of our relationship were very unhealthy and I was going to break up with him because of his behavior. He started working on changing and while I am happy for him, it won’t help the fact that we are just incompatible together. We are at different maturity levels; he is not immature in a traditional sense, but he’s very stunted when it comes to emotional maturity. His social skills are also not the best and his inability to communicate and listen like a normal individual has really made it hard to want to stay with him in the long-term. He may be fine with it\*, but I can tell it’s something I wouldn’t be happy with.

I just don’t want to wait for him to catch up. I think he has a good foundation for continuing growth on his own, and I want to date that mature version of him, but I don’t want to date potential because I don’t want to be miserable waiting for someone to change. I want to keep him in my life, I just can’t bring myself to stay with this current version of him because I feel like it’s hindering my growth, as well. Is there anyway to do something like that, where you go back to the pre-dating “getting to know each other” period and aim for a fresh start, or is this just something that should end? And, if it’s the latter, then how do you break up with someone?

\*For more context: This is my (20F) first relationship. This is his (21M) fifth one. He says this is the first healthy relationship he’s ever had, so he isn’t going to see a problem with what I’m saying since he benefits more from being in this relationship than I do.

Edit: Some more context I feel would probably help. We started dating three days after we first spoke to each other (which I was not crazy about). We were not friends beforehand. We didn’t have a honeymoon period.

  1. i think by posting this you are defo ready to break up and be on your own. If you don’t want to go in depth with him, sit down and tell him you’d like it to be over and i think from there the convo will go in the direction to give you both closure. It will defo be hard for the first few days but you’ll start feeling better a lot quickly. you deserve a honey moon phase and not so much grief in such a short period of time!! hope it goes well

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