what movie makes you cry everytime you wach it?

  1. I actually have three:

    In The Mood for Love

    (both by Wong Kar Wai)

    Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (by Nagisa Oshima)

  2. Billy Elliott, Romeo & Juliet, The Intouchables, Life As a House…every single time!

  3. Coda

    I’m not a cryer and I’m not really sure I think Coda is a great film, but I cried like a baby the first time I watched it and every time since (not many). It’s that theme of parents and children learning to communicate with each other that really gets me.

    I’ll also tear up at good endings, like Roman Holiday, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Decision to Leave, Blonde, but not full blown cry.

  4. The Bridges of Madison County or The Fault in Our Stars. Both of these films will make me cry anytime I watch them

  5. My Girl. Every freaking time. “HE CANT SEE WITHOUT HIS GLASSES!”

  6. Valley Girl, the bracelet out the car window at the end and the subsequent look on Nick Cage’s face gets me every single time

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