Basicly, me and my girlfriend (16F) have had sex a couple times, and everytime she orgasms super early and even multiple times before I do. It got to the point in which everytime we had sex, she came a couple times and some more, and I had to pull out and stroke it myself to be able to orgasm once. I think it has to do with the fact I always play with her before hand and she rarely does. Also, she is inexperienced in things like hand or blow jobs, therefore it is my responsability to finish on my own. I do not blame her for this though, I understand we all start somewhere and I am excited for her to learn such things together. I remain perplexed on why my resistance is so high though. Is this common ? Should I do something or check if somethings wrong ?

  1. I dont know. I really like handjobs and blowjobs but i cant finish while getting it. Its only the PIV for me

  2. Honestly that’s a pretty good problem to have. Most guys cum too quick and the girl doesn’t get off

  3. When I first became sexually active at 18, it took me like a month before I was able to orgasm from sex. And then another month to orgasm from a blowjob. I always chalked it up to the idea that I was so used to jerking off that my body was used to a certain method of stimulation and sex was entirely different, and I just needed to get used to it and find out what works in order to cum.

    It sounds like you guys are in a good position where you’re both just exploring and learning. That’s great! That’s fun and exciting. I think part of your problem is just performance anxiety. You’re anxious about how you’re performing and you’re worried that you’re not gonna cum, and that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more relaxed you are, the better your chances of cumming.

    Let yourself get lost in the moment. It’s ok if you don’t cum. It’s gonna happen at some point. If you’re jerking off, cut back or cut it out entirely for a bit. Keep learning and exploring. It’ll cum eventually.

  4. Have the same problem for 18 years now.

    Sorry to disappoint you OP but there ain’t no solution. You were born with endurance and have to deal with it

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