I have made 5 months off social media. It has been an awesome moment. I have had good times but only with a few friends and inner circle.

  1. Dude i only have one friend i uninstalled tik tok all all other distractions on my phone and i started to have suicidal thoughts LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭

    I didn’t last 3 days, i kept my journal and started writing, like i was in some desert island with wilson the ball not a good experience LMAO i will try again maybe when i find a job and have some other activities that don’t involve being isolated at home

  2. how did u keep in touch with friends? this is why i cant leave social media

  3. Deleted my fb and Insta about four years ago or so. Never looked back. Now I have a real circle with friends and family and those relationships are closer and more meaningful. We talk on the phone and text.

    A “like” or “❤️” on social media is no substitute for a genuine chat and catch-up.

  4. Tomorrow is 7 days for me. Don’t miss it at all. Only reddit for me casually.

  5. This is the saddest sub I’ve been on. We are Soo hooked and don’t even know it

  6. I spent a year and a half without out high speed internet and no social media.

    I was going through it.

    But when I eventually came back it’s like nothing really changed. After that I learned what I needed to and I was never really glued to my phone after that.

  7. Wow, Kevin, you must have felt like Indiana Jones exploring the hidden depths of human interaction! How’d you survive without cat videos?

  8. Well, well, well, looks like someone finally escaped the ego-feeding vortex of social media. Welcome back to reality, my friend! So, did you survive without all those duck-face selfies and cat videos?

  9. Congratulations on your accomplishment! Although, a few friends and inner circle sounds suspiciously like I have no friends. Kudos either way!

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