He asked me “ if you had kids would you like to stay at home or work?

I wasn’t expecting that question..

I asked him first what his future plans were I don’t know if that was also bad question

I asked hin first what his future plans were I don’t know if that was also bad question

After the date he told me our life goals are not aligned and we shouldn’t continue to see each other. When I asked what plans didn’t align he said just in general level they’re not align.

  1. Your response to that gave him the assumption that you’d want to be a stay at home mom. Even though that wasn’t what you were implying. You deflected, so from there he chose what ever the option that wouldn’t ‘align’ as your answer.

    He assumed you would want to be a stay at home mom and that’s not what he wants.

    Side note. I fkn hate it when guys ask this shit. Especially in your case. I mean come the f** on dude. Why don’t we also work while our water breaks and are going in labor too. Jesus christ

  2. He probably wants someone enthusiastic about staying at home. Move on, those kind of guys are a dime a dozen

  3. Inappropriate question for a first date (yours was fine).

    Def red flag right off the bat, so good you are not wasting any more time on him.

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