i need help. Every single day that i am in the subway i see one really cute girl. We get off at the same station. I look at her whenever im in the subway. i have noticed that she lookes at me too. Several times we looked up eachother for long time of period. The next day i am in the subway i looked at her like usually and then she looked at me too and she smiled this time. I think she is giving me some type of signal and thats basically it. The same think repeat every day. I want to ask her out but i am too sky and dont i know what i should say so i dont make is awkward. Can someone give me advise?

  1. Maybe test the waters and talk to her by commenting about something relevant to your experience together. For example, if it’s a rainy day, and you’re about to get off at your mutual stop, say something before the doors open like “well I hope your walk is shorter than mine!” or something more clever than I can think of. See if and how she responds.

  2. Go say hi, introduce yourself, ask her name and from tomorrow, go stand next together and talk general stuff. At some point, see if she’s still interested in talking to you and ask her out and see what she says.

  3. >i have noticed that she lookes at me too. Several times we looked up eachother for long time of period. The next day i am in the subway i looked at her like usually and then she looked at me too and **she** **smiled** this time.

    So, I was about to tell you to smile at her and see if she likes you by smiling back, but she already beat you to the punch. SO, she likes you.

    This means you go up to her and say hey. You have to overcome this social anxiety and reap the benefits. I’ve never seen a more green light than this and it ain’t even saint patrick’s day.

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