My wife gets horny extremely fast, like seconds.
And always orgasms after 1 minute of intercourse, no matter the position. After orgasm she don’t enjoy sex but let me finish, and I really don’t enjoy making love to her when she don’t enjoy it.
If we make love every day, like on vacation, she can go for up to 3 minutes before orgasm. Her orgasm is very intense and her whole body is twitching for 30 seconds, she also squirt a lot.
Before orgasm the sex is fantastic, she is extremely intense and all over me with kisses, nice words and we make love like there is no tomorrow… But, afterwards she is a different person but always says that she enjoy that I continue until orgasm. But, she send me signals like “are you done soon?”, so I hurry up to orgasm.
We have been married for 15 years so this is a pattern, she have tried to think about boring stuff during sex, but as she says, it’s impossible to hold back.
We have tried to do a little less intense sex many times but she always looses control. For her, it’s like sex is the orgasm.
What can we do to make my wife slow down a little during sex so we can enjoy sex together for more than 1 minute?

  1. I’m not sure what to tell you. She needs to embrace the thought of multiple orgasms. Maybe she needs the challenge. I can identify with intense orgasms. I usually need to change positions/modes like if my husband is going down on me to penetration just because I’m hyper sensitive after. He told me how much he loves to give me multiple so it took some letting go and surrendering but it sounds like you need to have a conversation with her. I usually have many many orgasms and it’s amazing. I think she should try to do that as well, or perhaps she can pleasure you prior.

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