My buddies and I used to turn all the lights out in the basement and throw those giant exercise balls through the pitch blackness in random directions trying to hit each other. The fear, the anticipation, and the sound of the ball whistling through the dark. The game had only downsides and shouldn’t have been ever created.

  1. We drive bicycles at speed and tryed to kick each other down with our feet. Looser was the one who crossed the line last or the one who fell off. But noone ever fell…

  2. Well, I grew up with boys and we played Knights very roughly with wooden swords.
    Got bruised, fingers beaten up.. but damn if nowadays someone tried to rob me in a dark alley I surely know how to defend myself! Lol

  3. most idiotic as in dangerous/but fun game,

    was to climb a tree and see how far along we could get from tree to tree, they were intertwined for 100s of metres with some gaps, so you’d be leaping out trying to jump from one tree hoping to grab on to another!

    Looking back, only 1 lad broke his ribs from falling, it could have been way worse, as.we were sometimes 30 feet in the air, where it was sparce!

    The most ‘Idiotic’ game we played was,

    Record breakers, where we’d go into my friends garage and throw his parents old records like Frisbees at the wall smashing them into pieces!

    I only joined in that game once, as we got caught and my parents went absolutely bezerk when they found out!

  4. We’d give each other back slaps but it was only done when the victim was completely unaware for maximum slapping effect. That hurt like hell sometimes and naturally the geniuses that we were meant we did it for years on end.

  5. Did the same thing with a rubber knife. I always won cuz I could see exceptionally well in the dark and never told anyone.

  6. We used to just throw the first thing we could find at one another. That being sticks,rocks,toy cars. And It never ended well

  7. We had a game called Thumbs. Everybody who’s playing (need Atleast two) stands in a circle and puts their hands out into the circle. You have closed fists with your hands next to each other like you’re ready to give a thumbs up with both.

    Now.. if you’re playing with four people there’s a total of 8 thumbs. You pick who goes first.

    The object of the game is to guess how many thumbs will go up after the countdown; each player throws one or both or no thumbs up.

    So if there’s a total of 8 thumbs the first person will start and say “1, 2, 3, and then the next number can be between 0 and 8. If you guess right you put a hand behind your back leaving 7 thumbs. If you get it wrong you keep both thumbs out.

    Now once you get out, good, but if you’re the last one standing our custom was to lick our middle and index finger then slap the shit out their elbow ditch. Resulted in blood a lot of time but it was fucking fun.

  8. Hide and go seek but the whole block was fair game. I’m talking about neighbors roofs, any trees you could climb,unlocked cars. There would be about 15 of us from the neighborhood playing and instead of just finding the person,you had to hit em with the wiffle ball bat that you were equipped with. Once you hit someone with it, they were it.

  9. We tried to find creative ways to flip each other off during class without getting caught. We had to make individual speeches and one of my buddies volunteered to work the lights at the back of the room. Flipped all of us off through all of our speeches. It was hard not to laugh.

  10. The knife game. Everyone writes their name on a plastic knife, then we put them all in a cup and draw. You have to assassinate your target without giving yourself away, then you get their knife and continue until there’s only one left alive.

  11. For years me and my now ex made clay figurines and acted out a whole world with Over 200 active characters each, it went from 10 years old to 18 years old until we started just role playing them without the clay figurines. It was honestly the only thing that helped me deal with my life. We called it “The Game” and if you didn’t know about the game then you weren’t a part of it.

  12. It was called simply, “Don’t get hit.”

    We had a big ass chunk of granite that was roughly round-ish, kinda oblong shaped. It weighed well over 50 pounds.

    Anyway, we (a bunch of 12 – 14 yr old kids) had the bright idea to put it on the trampoline and then we all piled on and jumped around. Causing this friggin boulder to bounce around with us in an unpredictable way just waiting to kill one of us.

    Daniel took it in the face once and it knocked out like 5 of his teeth, broke his nose and fractured his cheek bone.

    And no, we did not learn from that and continued to play the game regularly until the trampoline broke. By time that summer was over, i think 4 of us had to go to doctors and we all had more bruises, cuts, scrapes and sprains then we could count.

  13. There were games (non-idiotic) games such as Tank, Dizzy-dizzy bat, British Bulldog, and cloud figure imagination.

  14. In 4thish grade, our classroom setup was weird. It was in a separate annex from the actual school, and the layout had a bathroom in the classroom at such an angle that the teachers desk was out of view from the bathroom.

    During indoor recess, me and my friends would sneak around the corner and all shove ourselves into this tiny bathroom and turn off the lights before just throwing absolute hands at each other. Slapping, biting, hair pulling and just wrassling in a pitch black, communal bathroom.

  15. I had a rock fight with a neighbor’s kid, where we’d throw rocks at each other until one of us gives up.

  16. Wizard staff fights: we’d all grab Roman candles and then run around the yard shooting at each other with them. I’m still unsure how any of us escaped those unscathed.

  17. Firework fights, with a group of us running around launching them at one another. Incredibly, nobody was hurt.

    A short piece of pipe makes an effective rocket launcher btw

  18. My dad was the head of our town’s electrical department and when I was 10(?) my friend I discovered they kept all the faulty fluorescent lamps in the basement of the building where he worked.

    A sword fight broke out and we covered the place in glass shards. I don’t really remember if anyone got hurt, but I remember my dad being pissed and us having to sweep up the floor.

  19. Almost the same concept.
    My high school classroom was in the middle of the building so when you turned off the lights, it was pitch black.
    A select few(warriors) would roll up paper balls and then cover them with duct tape.
    When class ended, we would stay back and then turn off the lights.
    At this point, it was a free-for-all. Flying projectiles, punches and fly kicks. It was not surprising for people showing up to the next class with a black eye.
    Good times. 🙂

  20. We use to do time trials driving down a mountain at night with the headlights off…..
    Seems quite silly now

  21. We used to play a bunch of different games centered around the wild onions / scallions that would grow as a weed around the yard. We would have wars where we whipped each other with the lawn onions, the better the onion the more painful the whip. We would play pass with a frisbee and if you have a bad throw or fumbled the catch you had to hug a tree while everyone broke the onions on your back, no shirt. We were all covered in red and purple welts all over

  22. We called it 31. Get a Hacky sack and make a circle with your friends. First guy starts kicking it and you all keep up the number. Lets say he drops it at 17, next dude starts at 17 etc. Once someone reached 31 he HAS to catch it with his hands (if not next guy starts at the last checpoint) and everybody can start moving.

    You then throw the hacky sack to your friends. if it touches them and they dont catch it theyre out. Last man standing.

    A wet hacky sack can pinch quite heavily, and you’ll start school with mud spots all over your clothes, quite fun ngl

  23. I can’t remember how it started, nor why. And the WHY is the important question. We had a weird little distraction we called Great Majors.

    It consisted of, while sleeping over at one or the other’s house, you must covertly remove your underwear, thoroughly wet it, wad it into a ball and hide it in the freezer. Once the underwear (we all still wore briefs at that point) was frozen, you sneak it back out of the freezer and sneak attack the other participant(s) by throwing it at them and yelling “Great Majors”.

    Now, that was the only way to win, but you could lose by getting caught at any point during the preparation process. You were required to use the underwear you had on, so if you got caught not wearing it then you lose. If you got caught wetting or placing it in the freezer, you lost. If it was discovered while in the freezer, or they saw you coming before you could get the yell and the throw off, you lost. And of course, if you win, THEY lost.

    No reward for winning, but the penalty for losing is that you must put the underwear you are wearing or were using for the game through the same wetting and freezing process, and then put them on.

  24. It was a variation on tag, we made it more exciting by raising the stakes abit and called it “shit stick”. I think the name is self explanatory.

  25. Dodgeball with medicinal balls heavy enough to hurt, but still you could give it enough speed with a good throw.

  26. Okay so this goes back pretty far, but in primary school we started doing, ehem, double decker wrestling. Yes, that is exactly what it sounds like. Winning meant either “unhorsing” the top opponent, or bringing the bottom one to the ground. Shit was pretty epic ngl, no one ever got hurt. This was of course a sand box activity.

    There was also oldschool murder in the dark, where in you would get the house pitch black, then beat each other up. This went on until one of my punches found their way to my very unfortunate older brothers testicles. I was crawling, couldn’t see a damn thing, but heard breathing in front of me, I wound up, and gave my all to what I thought would be his stomach.

  27. We would throw an arrow with a knife attached to it to each other. Surprisingly, no one ever got hurt. We also used to have crab apple fights where we would just throw crab apples at each other and try not to get hit. We built ramps out of whatever we could find and would launch off of them with bikes, skateboards, and rollerblades. We also forged our own swords and knives on makeshift anvils and forges.My cousin also liked to handcuff and taze people whenever he could trick them. I grew immunity to getting tazed, and would throw knives at him when he would try to taze me.

  28. Trojans versus Spartans: split your friend group in half. The goal is to sneakily hit members of the other team in the balls throughout the school day. The last team with a survivor wins.

  29. Shooting an arrow directly up in the air and seeing who would chicken out first.

    Also, hunting each other with air pistols/rifles on the proviso only body shots were allowed.

  30. Jousting on bikes where we cycled across each other and had one hit to take the other person down. If any part of your body touched the ground even if you didn’t touch the other player, you lost.

  31. “Conquer the hill”

    My school had a patch of grass that was elevated from the rest, kind of like a half hill

    So half of us would be up there and the other half would be downwards. The objective of the game was to reach the top of the hill

    The catch was that the team on top of the hill was ARMED WITH ROCKS who they would throw at the others who were running upwards

    It’s insane nobody died doing that

  32. Me and a cousin used to throw live ammunition in a fire just because we liked the bang

  33. My friends and I had a bow and arrow that we used to shoot straight into the air. Then we had to avoid getting hit.

    Years later I had the sudden realization of how fucking dangerous that was.

  34. Quarters I think it was called?? You spin a quarter (or really any coin) on the table at lunch in school, it was a two-player game. First person starts the spin, second one keeps it going by flicking it with a finger, etc.

    If you were the person to STOP the spin (knock it down, off the table, make it so the other player couldn’t continue) you laid your knuckles down on the table with your hands in fists (like an ape walking). The “winner” then slides the coin under your knuckles as hard as they possibly can. I’ve still got the scars and this was like 27 years ago.

  35. Kick the Can.

    Get a 2-liter of bottle, fill it 1/3 of the way with sand or something, draw a circle with a chalk rock in the middle of the street and designate a person who is it. The game starts when one of the hiders runs up and full NFL-kickoff style punts the can down the street. Everyone scatters. The person who is “it” has to walk looking down, hands covering their peripherals, to the can, retrieve it, bring it to the circle, stand it up and announce the game has started.

    “It” walks around looking for people and when they find them, they go to the can, bang it on the ground 3 times, and announce that they see Jimmy under the old lady’s car” or whatever. Jimmy then has to go to “jail” usually a tree near the can. If the “it” person catches everyone, the game ends and the first caught is “it”

    The twist is that at any time, one of the hiders can sprint to the can, kick it, and then the captured hiders are all free to scatter again. The person “it” stays it and has to slow walk to get the can and catch everyone else again.

    The strategy is really to walk around in the beginning, look for people, pretend like you didn’t see them and then announce like 3-4 captures all in one call. Then of course, strategically guard the can from a would-be liberator. (hiders can move around)

    The game is a fantastic way to keep 10 kids ages 7-12 occupied for hours and its completely free.

  36. Maybe not the most idiotic, but in grade school we only had 9 boys in our class (17 girls). After a field day, there was a small square painted on the field left over. Calling this a field is generous, it was more dead grass and hard packed dirt. We decided, naturally, last one left in the square wins. No rules. Only took a few recesses until our game was discovered by the teacher on recess duty, and all 9 of us were banned from the field for recess

  37. Aside from making our own Jackass inspired video in middle school, we only really played one or two games.

    One was called nightcrawler, which is basically just hide n seek in the pitch dark. Nothing special there.

    The other one was called Bond. I have no idea why it was called that, only that it loosely felt like you were a secret agent trying to escape. Basically, 100+ kids would meet at one high school parking lot and split into groups. Runners and chasers. Runners have to race to the next high school roughly two miles away. You had the whole city to play with. Running didn’t mean you were physically running, it just meant you were on foot.

    Chasers were kids old enough to drive. They had to wait 15 minutes before they could start searching to give the runners a chance. They would grab a group of 4 kids and drive around the city looking for runners. There was no prize, it was just for fun, but people took this shit seriously. Chasers would routinely drive onto sidewalks and into fields to chase people down. Flip u-turns at red lights, speed, and do all sorts of illegal things. Runners would run through backyards, through businesses and fenced off areas to escape.

    A whole game lasted a few hours. It was wild. I wish I had videos of it.

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