I (24m) am back in college after a break and started talking to a girl (19f) I met there. We hit it off pretty well, and after talking for around a week we admitted that we were both into each other. A week later we made it official after going on a couple dates. Its been 3 weeks as of today. I am worried that the age gap is too much and that people, especially my family, are judging me for it. I like this girl a lot. It’s the first relationship I’ve been in that I’m scared of losing her. I know the rule is half your age plus 7 but that’s always felt a little iffy too me, especially as you get older. I like this girl alot. I’m looking forward to seeing her again. Am I thinking too much about this? Is she too young for me? Should I find someone closer to my age?

Tldr; Is 24 too old to be dating someone 19?

  1. You’re both in college, so its not really that unusual. People will judge you at first, but they’ll get over it – especially if she acts more mature than her age.

  2. Honestly, no. I met my first girlfriend in college when I was 26 and she was 18 (she was interested in me first). Neither of our parents judged us for it.

  3. OP you’re both in college. Therefore, it’s not unusual or unexpected for the two of you to meet and like each other.
    You’re both legally adults.
    Legally it’s fine to date her
    There is no rule about age gaps. Nothing happen s if you break the rule.
    I can tell you that your family will not like every girl you date. AND similarly, not every guy a girl brings home will be liked by her family.
    Teen girls tend to mature faster then guys. Guys catch up to the maturity level in their mid twenties.
    Besides all this…
    Most importantly, if your intentions with her are pure, then you’re fine..

    Good luck!


  4. I know someone who is almost 60 and married someone that was in their 30’s.

  5. Don’t worry about what other people think. However, I dated an 18-year-old when I was 23 and the maturity difference became apparent very quickly. Make sure you both communicate and be open with each other.

  6. I started dating my husband when I was 19 and he was 24. I was on the immature side until I was about 20 or so and we just learned how to communicate and figure it out and we haven’t had any issues since then. We’ve been together for 6 years now.
    I say go for it, if the maturity gap isn’t too bad. And it will only get better and less of an apparent gap with every year.

  7. There is nothing inherently wrong with an age gap, the issue is the power dynamic that comes with it. The age gap is already something that’ son your mind, so just be aware of how you interact and if you find anything you do to be coercive or controlling in anyway, even if you’re not doing it intentionally.

  8. some of the age gaps mentioned in these comments are a bit sus, but i don’t think 24 and 19 is an issue

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