My boyfriend and I (both 17), just started dating as of yesterday. I’ve never been in a relationship before and though I said yes, it’s starting to scare me. My friends at swimming were super excited but I just felt embarrassed talking about it. I’ve always cringed a bit at showing affection (I barely hug my closest friends), but I would be willing to, i’m just reserved and shy. We’re both eerily similar (being pretty awkward, only he’s more forward) and the most we’ve done is hug, but he’s a lot more emotionally vulnerable than I am. I thought I would be fine, but I’ve realised that it’s difficult for me to take things seriously without cracking a joke or being sarcastic, even when I want to be genuine. He was interested in me a long time before I was, and has stated multiple times that I’m supposedly “out of his league” and that he “can’t believe he’s with me”. I cannot fathom that he actually finds me attractive because I’ve never seen that in myself. I know I harbour a lot of insecurities and that it could lead to potential problems later on if I don’t gain confidence. He’s reassured me multiple times saying that he doesn’t care if I slouch, or if my hair is straight or curly, but I’m scared I won’t live up to his expectations and if looks at me long enough he’ll see all my flaws. I’m just worried that I won’t be a good girlfriend and if I’ve made the right decision to pursue a relationship. I really don’t want to hurt him, is there a way I can talk to him about this? or does being comfortable with another just come with time? any help would be greatly appreciated. 🙂

TD;LR – Not sure what approach to take in first relationship.

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