In May of this year I suddenly lost my libido. It’s been almost two months and it’s been frustrating not really being interested in girls, sex, or porn anymore. At first I thought it was the mild depression that I got diagnosed for, but then I came to feel better over the next few weeks and still feeling better. However, I still don’t know why all of a sudden a had a sudden drop in interest – I mean two months of not being horny?? I’m still waiting for my endocrinologist to schedule me an appointment to test my testosterone and hormones, but in the meantime I wanted to ask here to get a better understanding of what I’m going through and if anybody experienced the same as me at my age of 29 (going 30 in August). I understand that our testosterone starts declining after 30, but holy shit it feels like such a drop off from where I was.

Anybody got any experience with this?


  1. Sure sounds like a testosterone issue. Sure it goes down over time, but no libido at 30? No way.

  2. Get your testosterone checked, but I think it’s probably residual fallout from your depression. Depression doesn’t just “go away” in a matter of weeks once things start going your way again. Have you gone to therapy or been prescribed any meds for the depression?

  3. Are you on medication for your depression? If so, read up on the side effects.

  4. Were you prescribed any medication for the depression?

    I have been seeing articles about kisspeptin and testosterone playing a part in it if thats actually a thing and not some made up shit by a pharmaceutical company. Look up HSDD and see if it matches your symptomsb

  5. Do you drink? My libido was in the gutter for almost a year at 29 (I’m 30 now) . I drank most weekends, sometimes a lot, sometimes not much. Quit drinking completely and within 40 days my libido skyrocketed and has stayed that way. I feel like I’m 24 again.

  6. Eating well and exercise are the only things you can fix your testosterone with, if you do both of those it’s like someone unlocks turbo mode.

  7. How physically active are you? Exercise should help your sex drive and with minor depression.

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