Have you been blocked by someone you were once dating? How did it make you feel?

  1. Yes. She was a nice girl but we weren’t dating anymore so the blocking basically didn’t change anything, so it felt exactly like it was: like nothing changed.

  2. It made me laugh.

    He initiated the breakup, and *he* was the one who said that he wanted to stay friends… but literally hours after I was tagged in a pic on Instagram with a guy I’d started seeing very casually a few months after the breakup, I was blocked by him and all of his friends.

  3. Once that I know of, only because she felt the need to reach out after some time and explain that she only did it to please her current man.

    Truthfully, I wasn’t paying attention/watching her social media at all so I said “hey no worries, I didn’t notice anyway.”

    I think she took that poorly.

  4. Yes, my last ex girlfriend. Broke up with me unceremoniously. Three days later I texted her, calling her out on all of her wrongheaded stupid bullshit that led to it. Unable to process the concept of her being in the wrong, she blocked me across the board. has never once attempted to make contact again. A year and a half relationship and she’s able to just sever all of it like that. Proof positive I am much better off without her.

  5. Amicable but low contact ex, difficult breakup (initiated by me), suddenly deleted me off socials some time after she got engaged to another dude. She still kept several mutual friends and my mom for some reason. Bummed me out a bit as I did care about her and didn’t think it had to be like that, but whatever, maybe she needed to better move past things and this would help.

    Turns out she removed me around the time she got unexpectedly pregnant, and a few months after that my friend showed me that they did a shotgun elopement – with a very pregnant baby belly. Our families are religious, and she and I had been in agreement about doing things in the “right” order, so there was probably an element of not wanting me to see that. Oh well, wish them the best.

  6. Pretty fucking awful and then the “don’t b sad bro” talks they’d give me. Only made me feel worse. Put a sizable dent in my confidence and makes me wonder if i’m actually a piece of shit.

  7. Don’t know and don’t care. If they are interested they will reach out.

  8. I’m going to be honest with yall here, you’re making a mistake even checking. Fight the urge till it passes. I have no idea if any of my past girlfriends ever blocked me because I never checked on them.

  9. I was once blocked by a my girlfriend at the time while on vacation visiting family.

    She gave me a ride to the airport, I told her how much I appreciated her, and that I’m not too good at talking about my feelings but I cared for her a lot. I was about to be gone for a couple weeks and wanted her to know I would miss her and stuff. Well about a week in I noticed she wasn’t responding to texts, which wasn’t necessarily atypical, she wasn’t super responsive from the start, but then I couldn’t find her on IG and I noticed I didn’t see her Snapchat score anymore. I texted her phone and asked if I was blocked and why and she said she meant to talk to me when I got back, but she felt like I wanted to tell her I was falling for her and she didn’t feel the same.

    It wasn’t a long relationship, maybe a couple months, so if I HAD been trying to tell her I loved her I could see where she was coming from, but I wasn’t saying that at all. Also the execution was awful. I suspect she was seeing someone else and wanted to post pictures on snap stories and IG and didn’t want me to see. Never confirmed because I just moved on, but felt super weird

  10. At this point, it’s fucking annoying. The last two people I slept with have blocked me and I really think they should know that they probably have fucking herpes. Ffs, I’m not gonna bother them if they don’t want me to, but it’s good to be able to get in touch for important things.

    My last ex had borderline personality disorder, so of course she blocked me. She blocked me right after we started talking. She blocked me after our first date. She blocked me and ran away halfway across the country once and then begged me to come get her a week later. Then she blocked me when she left for good, unblocked me to get her stuff back, then blocked me again. It’s fucking exhausting. It was heartbreaking back then because I was so lost in the caretaker role and codependency that all I could do was worry and miss her. It would’ve been nice to at least know she was safe. The thing that hurt the most was during the brief period where I returned her stuff, I asked her to just keep in touch and let me know she was okay every now and then. She said she’d have to ask her new partner if that was okay. God forbid we offend the new partner, who’s been with her for a month after swooping in on our three year relationship. I wouldn’t want to upset them by asking if my suicidal, alcoholic, psycho ex is still alive every now and then. It’s the sheer disrespect of it all that still irritates me to this day. If you want to leave, then leave. But the blocking and treating me like I was an abusive/neglectful partner after everything I did for her is so fucking low. Anyway, now it’s just kind of annoying looking back at how many times I let her do that to me. Other than the herpes thing, I’m glad she doesn’t want to talk to me.

    The other was an old fwb who eventually just became one of my closest friends. Her new boyfriend decided he didn’t want her talking to me. It was really fucking stupid, because I had no interest in her in that way anymore. We hadn’t had anything sexual going on in years. She was madly in love with him, I was madly in love with my new girlfriend. We never even hung out. We just texted. And I was trying to see if she and her bf would like to go to a concert with me and my gf when he lost his shit. Wtf is there to be threatened by? That one stung a lot because I realized how little our friendship mattered to her. I don’t know exactly how things were going down on her end, but she did it so quickly. Felt like shit. But now I know, and I’m glad to be rid of her. Nothing against her. I hope she’s doing great. I just don’t consider it a loss anymore if it was that easy for her to cut me out of her life.

    I’ve never blocked anyone in my entire life. I really don’t get it.

  11. No.

    I’ve blocked my exs because they’re exs for a reason… the last one I was even thinking about proposing to and she out of the blue kicked me to the kerb.

  12. *”How did it make you feel?”*

    Like a gingerbread man!

    I felt awesome! Great!

    Seriously this question FACEPALM!

  13. Told me she loved me four days ago. Went on a family vacation to San Francisco, never bothered texting me anything and when I sent a text message asking how the trip was going found the iMessage bubble go green. Feels really disappointing. We were kind of in a tenuous spot to begin with, but to have it end without even so much as a word is just awful and immature.

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