Feeling insecure after he told me sex with me is to messy

18F I don’t have a lot of sexual experience and I’ve only been with one other guy than my current partner. We’ve only just started getting intimate with each other after a couple months of dating last week was probably the 3rd time it’s happened.

But couple days ago he expressed to me that sex with me is really messy and it’s kind of putting him off me. He says I get to wet for his liking and I squirt and cream to much. It puts him off giving me oral because he says he doesn’t like all of my wetness in his mouth and when I cum the squirt and the cream is to much of a clean up after so he can’t have no spontaneous sex with me because we can’t be discreet about it. I nearly always squirt even when I’m masturbating but a bit more during sex.

I’m feeling really self conscious i was just wondering is there anyway to reduce the amount of wetness that I produce or even ways to stop me squirting when I orgasm. He hasn’t really been talking to me properly since that conversation I just want to see if I can try and fix it.

  1. You’re you. If he doesn’t like it someone else will. A lot of these young guys think they’re Hugh Hefner or something. Look it up.

  2. He was insensitive and not very diplomatic… if he does not care for you then do not share time with him and find someone that does appreciate what you have to offer.

  3. My ex told me, I quote, that fucking me was like fucking a bowl of water 😂

    He’s my ex for a reason.

  4. Everyone has their likes and dislikes, turn ons and turn offs. It seems you two are just not compatible and that’s okay! It happens. There are a TON of guys who love cream and wetness and all that jazz, so many guys look for that specifically because they find it super hot. It can be hard to accept and I know that hearing that from a partner is heartbreaking but it’s not your fault at all because that’s just a part of your body you can’t control and it’s also incredibly common so I hope you don’t feel alone in this.

  5. He might be gay.. in a seriousness time to look for someone else. He doesn’t seem to interested in sex

  6. He appears to not like real life women. I have never been with a guy that doesn’t get off on lots of wetness. Don’t let this person shame your body and plant seeds that will affect your self-esteem and ultimately how you view yourself as a sexual being.

    Men LOVE wet pussies.

    Find a man that actually loves actual women and our bodies…. There are MILLIONS out there that would do anything to be swimming in a woman’s wetness… that they were part of creating. Go find a man that wants all of you.

  7. Ditch him. My husband DREAMS of giving oral to somebody like you. Many many men will appreciate it!

  8. These things are insanely huge turn ons to a lot of other guys. You are too young to be feeling insecure about your body and how it naturally reacts to being turned on. If you feel this relationship is worth fighting for, then it sounds like your going to be catering to what turns him on when you should be proud of your sexy self

  9. Time to find someone that appreciates that because me personally it drives me crazy when it’s super wet and everything. It’s a great indication too that’s she is enjoying it as well.

  10. I understand that there’s something to be said for a good friendship as part of your relationship but if you are not sexually compatible, then don’t waste your time. I have run into the problem of getting too wet especially if I’m with someone who is smaller than average. I don’t think it grossed him out but it was harder for him to feel me and therefore took long for him to cum. That being said, in my experience, most guys do like it. Your boyfriend may also just be young and inexperienced as well… But he’ll need to evolve if he wants to continue having sex with women because our bodies naturally produce wetness like their bodies naturally produce a hard-on.

  11. Intense wetness isn’t for everyone. I think there is a good medium of wetness. Too wet and it’s hard to create friction. Too dry and it’s painful. If you squirt a lot, keep a towel handy to pat off with and keep going.

  12. Sex is messy with everyone! He is the outlier here, not you. You are very young. Please do not let this fool undermine your confidence. Move along, Hun!

  13. I have the same exact problem and only 1 person ever had a problem with it. Find someone who appreciates you cus trust me most guys find this to be a major turn on

  14. Oh damn, messy sex is the best sex, especially squirt and cream…bring it on! Sounds more like his problem, not yours!

  15. You aren’t going to change your bodies reaction. And you shouldn’t!
    Find someone who enjoys sex with you. Who loves how your body responds. Who loves you for all you are. Life is too short to put up with his behavior.

  16. Don’t let one experience change you. There’s women that envy those abilities and you should embrace that part of you if you wish. You are who you are and someone you’re with should love every aspect of you.

  17. Fixing is usually for something that’s broken, this isn’t one of those situations. It’s your bfs issue, not yours. If he’s refusing to even communicate properly then it’s going to be difficult to help him realise everything you’ve described is more than okay.

  18. All sex is messy. If it’s not messy, you aren’t doing it right. You’re bound to squirt a little more than you want, or leak precum through your gray shorts, wet your panties enough to see through leggings, and miss judge a cumshot and have it stain your bedsheets.

    The mess is there for you guys to congratulate yourselves on a job well done. If he doesn’t see that, you have to come to a consensus or drop it because you shouldn’t be self-conscious about something that WILL happen.

    He is correct in that spontaneous sex is out of the question, so long as you aren’t willing to deal with the mess. But that’s who you are. You squirt a lot. You can’t and shouldn’t change that because it’s perfectly normal. It will always be a problem for him, so drop things while they are still easy to recover from. It’s way too difficult once you are invested.

  19. Honey this is a god given talent. I used to think it was disgusting until I found out men love this shit. First of all, he’s inexperienced. Not you. Literally men will beg for this. If I could do this, nobody could tell me shit.

    My advice. Find a new man.

    Other note, give me some damn pointers lol

  20. Yeah what kind of person complains about that? 🤨 Who would prefer the Saraha over an Oasis?

  21. What a L boyfriend

    Your fluids are literally a #1 fetish for every man Ive ever met.

  22. On the one hand, everyone has their kinks and limits, it’s human nature.

    On the other hand, I’ve never known anyone to be put off by making their partner as wet as you say you get.

    But most importantly, please don’t think there’s anything wrong or broken about you just because you get a little bit creamier than he’s particularly comfortable with, it’s just you and your body doing its thing and there’s not a single bit shameful about that.

    Try to talk to him and hear his side of things first, maybe ask why he isn’t too keen on having sex with you while you’re that wet. From there, bearing what he says in mind, gently explain that this isn’t something you can simply ‘turn down’, and that he should take it as a good thing that you feel that aroused and comfortable around him to become that wet in the first place. See if you can come to a place of mutual understanding and comfort, but make sure your feelings are heard just as much as his, if not more so.

  23. Hi hun. As a fellow messy girl, I just want to assure you that there are plenty of guys who likes it messy out there.

    I was always super insecure about my squirting and my first bf didn’t like it. Got so bad that I began making sure I didn’t come during sex, so I wouldn’t squirt. But one day I was with this guy where it was so good, I couldn’t stop myself and it just happened. He looked like a kid at Christmas. He thought it was the sexiest thing ever. And almost every man I’ve been with since thinks so too.

    Sure, it can be messy and sometimes it kills the spontaneity if you have to lay down a towel (depending on where you are), but you should not feel ashamed. There’s nothing wrong with you.

  24. Girl, you NEVER want to stop cumming, creaming & squirting. It’s the best thing ever and many women live their whole lives NEVER experiencing it 🤯🤯

    Let this insecure little boy go find a “drier” partner whilst you enjoy the company of literally any other man on earth who will gladly lap up your cum juices (given everything looks and smells good of course).

    Eck, small brained boys have lost all their marbles these days 🙄

  25. It’s absolutely a gift to be able to do this and yes it can be wet. But you need a new partner who will appreciate this and not shame you for something you can’t control.

    1) waterproof mattress cover
    2) reusable/washable bed pads
    3) waterproof “dog” couch covers

    These are sooo much better than towels.

    Please enjoy your body, and the right partners will make you feel good about this.

  26. Everyone has their preferences. That said, this guy sounds a bit odd. You won’t have trouble finding someone else who is more sexually compatible with you.

  27. I cannot believe what I am reading, what happens to you during sex, is very natural and I for one find it very sexy when a lady get wets and creams herself, it means you are enjoying your self..
    That’s sex is giving you pleasure…
    He only in it for himself..

  28. It’s a natural bodily function. You’re not supposed to be dry… I wonder if he has an overly sanitized expectation of sex / vaginas.

  29. find a man who enjoys your sexuality

    Please dont try to repress this thats going to cause sexual trauma

  30. Your guy sounds like a little b*tch baby.

    Take it from me, a woman, married to a woman. Sex is messy, and the vagina gets messy. If you’re squiring, shopping wet, and you can squirt while masterbating- well first of all I’m jealous, that sounds amazing.

    This is a him-problem. You’re great, and your only issue is figuring out how to keep clean up after you’re satisfied quick and easy.

    We regularly shower after. We have water proof blankets we specifically use for sex. Committing to sex is committing to wasting our face, and probably hair.

    If that guy as a problem with your wetness, then he has a problem with sex with women in general- that’s a him-problem, not a you-problem.

  31. Try not to bear down so much during sex, this should start to minimize the squirting once you train your pelvic floor not to release

    But also get rid of the boyfriend and find someone who aligns with you sexually.

  32. Most men would find it a MASSIVE turn-on. It means you’re into it!! It means you’re super-turned on, you’re enthusiastic. You have NOTHING about which to be self-conscious. You are a gift. You are magic, babe.

  33. You are dating a double. This is you. This
    Is your body. If he does not like it, trust and believe a guy behind him will love it.

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