So im kinda with this girl that I’ve known since 5th grade, shes my best friend’s cousin. We are both 20. We aren’t really dating, cuz im in the military, but we always flirt with eachother about having kids, getting married, moving in with eachother. She doesn’t plan on going to college or getting a career anywhere. Shes working at amazon and is probably just trying to advance in there. Shes an amazing person, her personality is so beautiful and she is beautiful as well. I fell like she’d make the perfect mother for my future children. She also has a kid, which i was kinda yikes about when she told me. Then when I went on vacation I got reintroduced to this girl that Ive know since I was still in diapers. Shes 22 now and is almost done with college for nursing. She hardly talksthough. Shes really shy but shes playful with the kids that our families have. Her parents and my mom really want us to be together since itd be awesome for two lifelong family friends to end up getting married and have amazing careers together. Im studying for mechanical engineering by the way. Shes cute but not nearly as beautiful as the girl im talking too. Lets be honest, we all judge a possible partner by their physicality as well. I need advice cuz I cant decide between the woman that takes me out of my shell and motivates me or the woman that i can have a successful life with and will be bringing in the big bucks with me. I know a lot of people think a kid is an automatic no go but my mom has struggled as a single parent with two kids and I can’t judge a person by their past.

1 comment
  1. Do you need to make a decision right now? Sex confuses things so it may be wise to hold off on it until you can work out your feelings. Sometimes as men we try to be honest, we may even think that we are being honest, but as soon as we have sex with a person we realize we don’t want them. What’s your gut saying.

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