My girlfriend has been wanting me to eat her ass. She has a great ass, it sounds nice in theory, but I’ve always said no because it honestly grosses me out. I’ve smelled her ass before on accident while going down on her, and it isn’t the best smelling place. I’d imagine the taste won’t be much better.

So despite knowing how I feel about it she was like “well it’s my birthday, can that convince you .. for me?”🥺 and gave me the puppy dog eyes. I planned a surprise for her, took her to a nice dinner, got her a necklace, but she was still clearly annoyed when I drew the line again.

Has your partner ever asked for a sex thing on their birthday? Seems odd to treat it like a present. I’d never want anything sexual from her that she wasn’t 110% on board with doing.

  1. i’ve never been asked but i have asked my gf for something as a bday gift.

    And my gf later confided in me that she wasn’t into it after it happened and i felt like shit for the longest time. Once sex becomes a present used in the relationship things start getting odd and resentment starts to build.

  2. I honestly don’t understand how people can want stuff from their partners that they know their partners would loathe doing. How can it be at ALL enjoyable to have something done while you know it’s turning the other person off?

  3. You are 100% right to stay within your boundaries. Its great she tells you what she wants and its great you resist her coercion. But somehow without killing her confidence if she persists you need to be semi honest about why. It will be very hard to say it without hurting her. Perhaps just say all asses have a wiff and I cant handle that. If she doesn’t believe you, get her to put her finger on her ass and smell and taste it, rather than telling her her ass stinks.

  4. Boundaries exist for a reason and obviously you have every right to stick by yours. Sex should be a mutually enjoyed act, not a transaction.

    Consider if there’s a compromise you would be comfortable with, anal dildo play or something idk, and have a conversation about it.

  5. I’ve had partners ask me what kind of sex I’ve wanted for my birthday, hinting they’d be willing to go into the more “maybe” areas. I’ve taken the women up on it. But if it’s a hard limit, that’s kind of that.

    Couples often look to figure out compromises. For instance, I might consider it after a shower and with a dental damn (or cling wrap) in your position. But if the anus is really a hard no-go, that might even be too far.

  6. That’s coercion. She needs to stop. Tell her no, even if on principle alone. She needs to learn.

  7. Never never never would I ask my husband to do anything he didn’t feel comfortable with.

  8. This gave me ick a bit, the “can you do that for me?” it a bit manipulative, if she knows you don’t like it why would she try to convince you, pressure you because it’s her “special day”

    Feel free to deny (or accept) what ever you feel comfortable with, if she loves you and wants the best for you, she does not want you doing anything you’re not enjoying in such intimate moment.

  9. I wonder what she’d say if you told her why you won’t do it lol. You said no and I stand by that being completely enough to not do it, but I am willing to bet that if you said it’s bc her ass stinks she’ll never ask again.

  10. Why are half the comments giving advice on eating ass or trying to tell OP that it’s not that bad? If the story was flipped to be a guy trying to coerce a girl to do a sexual favor for him on his birthday despite previously being told no, this sub would absolutely react differently. Half the comments would be telling OP to leave the guy and the other half would be defending them.

    OP, if you don’t want to do this or have other sexual things you are uncomfortable with, you don’t have to do them. I would communicate clearly to your girlfriend how you feel and that you don’t want to do it. There is nothing wrong with feeling uncomfortable with certain things, and you should not feel pressured to do them because of a birthday, holiday, etc.

  11. The replies here have absolutely fucked vibes. If the sexes were swapped and the post said “my boyfriend really wants to roughly throat fuck me for his birthday but I don’t want to,” the responses would be totally unequivocal, and there wouldn’t be anyone saying “actually if you do [x] it’s totally fine!”

    I too am totally repulsed by the idea of eating ass. No, I don’t care how clean it is. No, it doesn’t matter how much I love the person asking me to. It’s not happening and nobody is going to talk me into it. OP, hold fast to your boundaries and tbh I think the way your partner asked for this despite your previous objections is pretty manipulative.

  12. How is it that her ass smelled nasty when you were going down on her. Doesn’t she wash. I would never do anything until the shower was taken

  13. Reddit…if the roles were reversed everybody would be saying that’s coercion, you have to leave him at once […]
    Now most of the people are like: yeah it’s actually not too bad / somewhat good if you take a shower before. Smh

  14. She shouldn’t be asking you again if you already gave your answer. Doesn’t matter if it’s her birthday

  15. Stand your ground…if she would end a relationship over THAT then you deserve better

  16. This comment section is a wreck.
    No is a complete sentence.
    Personally I find the idea of anything regarding anal repulsive and my boyfriend agrees.

  17. No means no. Birthdays don’t make an exemption.

    “Honey, I love you but that makes me uncomfortable. What if we did (x) instead”

  18. Stay within your boundaries man.

    My ex gf would always want one particular act and I never wanted to do.

    No matter how much she asked, i stood my ground and said no I’m not comfortable.

    We’re not together anymore for other reasons but trust me if you stand up to her, you will feel better about it and she will learn she can’t pressure you into anything.

  19. I jokingly asked my girlfriend for anal for my birthday were lesbians, but I’m obsessed with her ass. Sooo, I joke about it a lot. Even before hand. But always no.
    When I asked for my birthday
    Her response basically “ not okay with it yesterday, not okay with it today, not my birthday, not Christmas doesn’t matter what day, I’m not comfortable. Drop it” but the way she said it hit me like a ton of bricks.
    I’m a lesbian. But regardless, I’m trying to pressure her into something she doesn’t want because I was born that day ? How stupid 🤦‍♀️
    So it’s dropped, and I’ll never bring it up again.


  21. Don’t do it. The fuck if you don’t feel comfortable about it, it’s totally fine

  22. I feel as you do. I would never eat a man’s ass; just feels like I shouldn’t be back there. I also don’t like my ass eaten but it has been done. But like if I really really really like the next guy and he wants to I’ll let him. With that being said, I know you don’t like it but what if you planned like a nice bubble bath or jacuzzi fun, you both get cleaned together and maybe there won’t be any smell?? Also I think you have to be honest with her why you don’t want to do that.

  23. If you are uncomfortable then it’s just a NO. Don’t think upon it for too long or try to convince yourself. You could have still thought about it if it’s only something that you don’t enjoy, but you literally feel disgusted over it so there’s no way you should do it. And I can feel you completely, I am a girl but even the thought of anyone doing it with me or any girl just disgust me to hell. So just don’t do it. You never know for how long this will haunt you if you do it now.

  24. That’s your boundary and she needs to respect that. You should let her know that eating ass isn’t something that’s going to change because it’s not what you want to do. If that’s a deal breaker then you should find different partners who are more compatible sexually.

  25. Birthdays are not an excuse to break your partner’s boundaries unless they are willing to do it.

    If it was me I guess I’d do it if she’s clean and showered recently but I wouldn’t know how to bring that up without hurting her. If it was something I was 100% not willing to do, then I wouldn’t do it.

  26. Does she have something she is not comfortable with that your into? If so and your willing to suck it up tell her if she does that thing first you’ll do hers. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  27. Get ones of those clit lickers and throw some lube on it and hold it to her asshole lol

  28. Don’t let up on your boundaries. Eating ass is fucking disgusting. To each their own though.

  29. I don’t want to be THAT person…..but:

    If we flipped this scenario and it was the man pressuring the woman to do something sexual that she was 100% NOT comfortable with and she has expressed that to be true on more than one occasion, what would the response be? (Someone may have said this already and if so….my bad lol)

    (P.S. she should be washing her ass better…..and personally I would not do ass eating without it being a fresh ass(lol), and I wouldn’t want my partner to eat my ass if it wasn’t fresh either. The smell test is something that should be done with the booty….it can be a disgusting part of the body and in the western world it’s way too common to rub dry paper on the ass and think it’s it only clean but also edible smh….no. Just no.)

  30. Um, sorry, but the truth is, it should have ended when you expressed how uncomfortable you were with it the first time. Her coercing you is actually pretty disgusting. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Because we all know that if this was gender reversed, the agreement would be unanimous.

    Stick to your boundaries. If she cares and respects you, she’ll accept them.

  31. Ew the manipulation here is gross. I hate to be one of those people that Reddit seems pretty infamous for but I would be wondering if that’s the type of person I really want to be in a long term relationship with. If she’s this comfortable with disrespecting your boundaries and trying to manipulate you to do something you’ve already drawn a hard line on, what else will she be comfortable with?
    At this point, I’d be saying ‘no, I absolutely will not be tasting your smelly ass’.

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