I need some clarity on this. For context we had a 3 month relationship which ended because he wanted to be with his ex girlfriend over me. He has a history of mental health issues as a few years ago his brother killed himself. We haven’t spoken in almost 5 months.

Yesterday in the middle of the night he texted me saying how he thinks about killing himself by jumping off a bridge and then proceeded to say “thank you for everything” “I keep thinking I see you and I wish it was you because I miss you so much” and then proceeded to give me the reason why he chose his ex girlfriend over me, which is because she was there for him when his brother killed himself and he can’t leave her even though she cheated on him multiple times.

I read the part about him wanting to kill himself and started panicking. I keep telling him I miss him too and that I want to see him but he wouldn’t answer any of my calls or texts so I call the police to do a wellness check on him. He answers the police and then texts me saying he’s fine and that he’s sorry for scaring me. After that I notice that messages aren’t sending which I’m pretty sure means I’m blocked. Why would he block me after that??

  1. If he texts you like that again, don’t message him back. Just let the police know to do a wellness check and move on with your life.

    Better yet, block him or get a new number.

  2. >Why would he block me after that??

    So they are an ex and should stay that way. Who cares their motivations, it is irrelevant. If you care still though, call someone for a welfare check(start with his family first before your go the police route) and then nope out of there. There is your advice, in addition to blocking all his shit so you dont have to be his manipulation victim or primary caregiver.

  3. Because he’s a hot mess, or because he’s being a manipulative ass who’s trolling for attention and playing stupid mind games. Or maybe a little of both.

    Either way, it would be in your best interest to steer clear of him. I’m glad you asked for the welfare check, but that should be all you do if/when he pulls a stunt like that again.

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