Been together 7 years now and love her to death. More than anything. We do everything together and both have an amazing relationship and communication. We’ve talked about this as well.

But I just don’t know if I’m sexually attracted to her. She’s beautiful, and I love her body. But I just don’t ever think to myself that I want her sexually. I blamed it on me not having a high sex drive for a while. But when I think of the possibility with other girls (sexually not romantically), it makes me feel something. I try to want her like that, but I just don’t. :/

We never really have sex. Only every so often. We have been trying to more because we know we need it.

When we started dating we were pretty sexually active but it started to die down after a couple years.

Right now, she wants to have sex all the time. And for some reason, my body just doesn’t want to let me feel things when she kisses me. I do get turned on at times, but sometimes I just start to overthink. I don’t know if I fear intimacy or if I just don’t feel comfortable- or if I just want to have sex with someone I don’t love? Not sure what it is.

Does anyone have any experience with something like this? I know I will never not want to be with her because I love her so much and truly don’t want a relationship with anyone but her. But I just wish I wanted her that way. I don’t know what to do

1 comment
  1. Hi… this sounds familiar to me, even though for me it was related to my husband, or should i say my futur ex-husband.
    We went through kinda the same situation. We’ve been sexually very active at the beginning. Then after i got pregnant, it kinda stopped… and i must admit, i did not miss it.
    But after a couple of years, i met someone. It was not love… it was only sexual attraction. I know I am a bad person, in the eyes of those who read this now, but i did let it happen. I had sex with a different person, and it wasnt a man. And thats where and how i rediscovered my sexual desires. I told my husband about it, cause i felt bad, since i cheated on him.

    He immediatly broke up with me… and we are in a divorce-situation right now.

    at the beginning my world was falling apart… but after a couple of months now, i realize that beeing with him, and thinking loving him, was just something i was “used” to.

    I still “love” him… but differently. I love him as a person, as the father of our child. But its not a “love” that you need to be with someone… at least not at our age. Maybe in my 80’s i can live like that 😉

    Don’t get me wrong… I am not saying you are not loving your partner the way you should, but for me there should be a sexual attraction. I need to have that feeling of missing the touches… i want to look forward to kiss my partner… to feel the skin… feel that he or she wants me… sex is sooo important in a relationship.

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