I understand there is now an aerosol alcohol whipped cream! Very cool. I also understand you sell the booze at the grocery store. Would this fancy whipped cream be with the booze or with the whipped cream in the dairy section?

  1. It depends on the state in which you’re located, alcohol laws vary wildly. I’d search for the specific product you’re seeking via the manufacturer’s website to find the local distrubutor/retailer.

  2. I’m not familiar with the boozy spray cream you’re referring to, but I’d expect it to be with the booze rather than the dairy. Don’t want customers to accidentally grab the the booze when they meant to get the regular.

    Some states also have laws about when/ where/ how alcohol can be sold, which makes it easiest to keep it all in one area. ie, if you can’t sell alcohol on Sundays, you just block off the alcohol aisle on Sundays.

  3. never heard of the spray, honestly it sounds gross. just use regular whip cream (preferrably home made, it’s not hard to do) and drizzle something good and not whatever rotgut drunk-under-the-bridge crap they probably put into the spray can to keep it cheap.

    it would be with the alcohol if it existed.

  4. Depends on the state, but it’s highly likely to be in the liquor section.

  5. >I understand there is now an aerosol alcohol whipped cream! Very cool.

    Not familiar with it at all. But even if it did exist, I do not see liquor stores selling it, here in North and South Carolina, and besides it appears to be targeting kids, which is also a no-no.

  6. In my state, alcohol cannot be sold at the grocery store. So, this is only available at the liquor store.

  7. It would be in the liquor section. Although personally I think bottled whipped cream is never worth buying.

  8. We don’t sell booze at the grocery store. Some states probably do, but far from all.

  9. Zabaglione is a whipped cream/custard dish with alcohol in it.

    It will be better than anything from a can.

    Alcohol laws vary a lot – a *lot* – in the US. You should review the laws for where you’re planning to go. Post in a state subreddit for the information. Be aware that local laws may vary within any state. There are still places in the US where it is illegal to possess alcohol – you will not likely get arrested as a foreigner, but you won’t be able to buy it there. You are unlikely to go to any of these, but be aware that they exist.

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