So I am staying near some of my friends for vacation and we were planning on celebrating the 4th together. Anyways my other friends is in the area and I invited him, after asking the first friend, to go with us. Turns out the two don’t really get along, or their families anyway. This leaves me in a tough situation as I don’t want to loose either of them as friends. Way I see it there are three options for me: man up and spend the day with both of them, politely uninvite my second friend or fake an illness (I get migraines so this would be easy)

  1. I don’t think uninviting is the best solution you can realize. Rather, if you try to divide them into two small groups, they won’t really have awkward moments just by standing together.

  2. Man up and enjoy both their company. Maybe alert the instigator of unhappiness that the other person will be there. It’s their issue, not yours.

  3. They both need to grow up,don’t let them control you either,it’s you who’ve invited them,they should have respect for you too

  4. Call each separately, explain the situation, and see if one elects to bow out, or sucks it up and remains civil to keep the peace. If they bad mouth the others while you’re on the call, un-invite them, problem solved……..

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