Hi guys. I have a crush on a girl who has crush on someone else. She recently found that the guy she has crush on is dating someone. But she’s still not interested in me at all and says “I have to find someone” in front of me. Other girls ask me questions, which I use as an indicator to tell if she at least acknowledges my existence, but the girl in question doesn’t ask me questions. I always ask her questions.

  1. I think you should be with someone who wants to be with you. What’s the point of putting everything into something and getting nothing in return?

  2. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take

    Even if your Puck handling skills stink and dickwad mcginsky has you on lock down, why not just take the shot?

  3. Sure, and when she says no, accept it like an adult and move on. Enjoy this pointless endeavor

  4. You realize she will say no, right?

    If this helps you move on then yes, by all means, do it.

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