I(23m) have been struggling with different mental issues for years but I am working on getting better. I have started going outside and taking walks(10k steps today). Before that I could go weeks or months without seeing sunlight.

I noticed people would just hit me up for a quick chat asking me where I’m from. Maybe I looked like a tourist and looked lost or something but I was just looking around. I don’t really want to talk to them to be honest. At least I’m not ready yet. I just wanted to walk around and just enjoy my music. What’s a good way to tell people I’m not up for talking. I can’t look intimidating because I’m not a big guy. I already have 2 airpods in my ears as well.

Also I get very self conscious about my look and I feel like people are looking at me. Like I would think maybe I smell bad or I look weird so I would ask my friend if I look alright which they would say I look fine but I’m not sure if they were just being nice. And sometimes I feel like people are talking about me like if they are talking about body figures I would assume they are talking about me. How do I get rid of these anxieties? Any help is appreciated.

Edit: someone told me to get a resting bitch face but I think I have a pretty okay one so if it’s not working and I have to try hard then it’s not resting anymore imo.

  1. You have to be able to start questioning your thinking, passively observing it, and letting it pass you. Breaking away from a controlling you so that you can form new habits and behaviors without these toxic ideas interfering.

    [here is a worksheet on questioning your thoughts](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.therapistaid.com/worksheets/socratic-questioning&ved=2ahUKEwiay9_msvb_AhW4m4kEHXGjDjMQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3qSkOY1c6TYinT3d7diOmg)

  2. I put in earphones, keep my eyes averted and keep on trucking. I never have music on because of situational awareness.

  3. Wear earphones or earbuds, even if you’re playing nothing through them, and sunglasses. Don’t acknowledge anyone who approaches you.

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