At the moment it mostly happens on these god awful apps. But how do you think dating will evolve in the future?

  1. I imagine someone is going to develop an AI supported dating app that uses a predicitive model and a system that pulls all the publically available data on you and matches you with people the AI thinks you’ll mesh with. This will, of course, not work at all and just complicate the whole thing.

  2. The projection is that 45% of women aged 25-44 will be single by 2030.

    The reasons I think are:

    – Creation of the contraceptive pill: this caused the hypergamy of women to be unleashed and instead of choosing a good man with potential and building something together to form a family, they waste their youth having casual sex with 20% of men

    – Feminism: encourages women to pursue typically masculine things like careers and study. Dividing society and making all men responsible for what some individuals do.

    – Dating apps: they created an illusion for women that they have an infinite pool of men who want to be with them. The reality is the men on these apps only want sex with them and not a relationship.

    – Incentive for men: with each passing year it is more difficult for the average man to get attention from women. Therefore many decide to stop trying. Our grandparents have to put in a lot less effort for better quality women.

    Women naturally are not going to lower their standards, they are going to continue chasing the 20% of men.

    Since there are not going to be men of quality for all of them, they will end up alone.

    The birth rate will continue to drop and at some point the economy will not be sustainable.

  3. I would like to believe that things would be healthier in the future but my gut tells me that the forces driving the loneliness epidemic are not going anywhere and so the commodification of human connection will only grow into the future

  4. The social prominence of dating will gradually fade as more options for associating/relationships/satisfying sexual urges emerge.

  5. I think AI will evolve to a point where they’ll be suitable partners and not just tools in the online process. Whatever happened in the movie “Her” has shown to be possible with what Replika tried to do, and whatever evolution comes out of the ChatGPT things might take things even further. I don’t see anything happening with the human population that gives me hope, at least as an barely average man.

  6. I donโ€™t think it will exist to be honest
    Guys would want to be chased and women will refuse to do so . It will be a fun time to be alive ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I think the date in the future is still the same as what is happening now, more on technology, it would be nice to meet up in person.

  8. Watch Sylvester Stallone in Demolition Man with Sandra Bullock… that’ll be how.

  9. Going by demographic change seeing a young person walking around outside would become increasingly rare. So dating apps will probably continue to be used.

  10. There will probably be a lot of ai partners, which will shrink the dating pool quite a lot. But this is definetly NOT for everyone.

  11. 11% of adults in the usa have used a dating app in the last year. 30% have ever used.

    12% of people have met and dated someone long term on an up.

    dating is still happening in the real world

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