First thing, this scenario I’m afraid of where my bestie drops me as a friend because her girlfriend doesn’t like it is ALL MADE UP AND IN MY HEAD. I know y’all are gonna laugh at me for that but the worry I feel is still real. Anyways, I provide context now. My friend’s name is Loren and her partner is Cass. We are all lesbians.

I only met Loren 4 months ago but we quickly became best friends. Me and her call each other every day and talk about everything. She’s told me that multiple times that I’m her bestie and that I’m in inner circle. And that I’m the first person she’ll call when something happens or she needs support. She’s supported me through a lot too bc I’m severely mentally ill and she adds so much happiness and inspiration to my life. She really motivates me to get better and take my mental health seriously. I know that I haven’t known for that long but I personally believe the length of time doesn’t matter as much as how special the relationship means to me. Every time we hang out it’s amazing and we connect so well. She’s also the only lesbian friend I have so its really special to me to be able to talk about LGBT stuff with her.

I’ve been just friends with Loren the whole time but the thing is, we’ve had sex before. We didn’t start that way but we used to have a ton of sexual tension when we talked and eventually we had sex a few times. She swore to me that it wouldn’t change the friendship and it didn’t but I did catch feelings for a bit. She didn’t feel the same way because she said she wasn’t ready for a relationship. I believed her and still believe her tbh. Either way it doesn’t matter because I only want to be friends with her now. We just have this history. Anyways, she recently starting wanting a relationship and she found a girl on tinder named Cass. She really likes her and they’ve seen each other a lot lately. This is all awesome. I love that she’s finding people she really likes and exploring herself.

What i’m scared of is what if Cass finds out that me and Loren had a brief sexual relationship and wants her to cut me off or stop talking to me. And if she learns that at one point I had feelings for Loren. I keep seeing people online talk about how wrong it is for their partner to still be friends with past FWBs and while we weren’t FWBs per say, it’s somewhat similar. It’s her choice 100% and she wouldn’t be wrong to stop being friends, it would just hurt me badly.

I really, really like Loren as a friend and I cherish all the moments that we’ve hung out. To think that it could end one day makes me wanna cry. It’s all in my head but yeah. I don’t have that many friends in real life tbh and so I really regret having sex with loren. I should have trusted my gut that it would ruin things but she promised it wouldn’t so I believed her.

What do you think? Is it likely that my friend’s partner is going to want her to distance herself from me or am I overthinking it? Me and Loren have had multiple talks about how we’re only friends and how much she values me. But still i’m scared of being abandoned. I have really bad abandonment issues and this wouldn’t be the first time a friend has left me behind after they got a relationship.

**TL;DR!** My bestie has starting dating someone she really likes and i’m worried that her new partner will be upset when she finds out that my bestie and I have had sex. None of this scenario has been brought it to me in real life, its just a scenario in my head that I’m worrying about.

1 comment
  1. Personal experience: my best friend is now married to a girl we both already knew while we were sleeping together. Didn’t work out between us but we still hang out together alone all the time. Went out for dinner with him last week actually. When he started dating this new girl I was worried that I wouldn’t see him very often. Nothing changed because it was obvious to her that we had no feelings for each other or sexual tension any more. I was one of the bridesmaids in the wedding.

    If you truly no longer have feelings for each other it shouldn’t be an issue and it should be obvious to the new gf.

    Also the internet has told me that most lesbians have dated every other lesbian in their friendship group and it’s all fine but take that with a grain of salt because it’s the internet.

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