I went on a date recently with someone and he’s great but I’m not sure if I’m over my ex yet. Should I tell him that I got out of a relationship recently?

  1. if you’re asking internet strangers to assess whether you’ve gotten over your ex, you haven’t gotten over your ex

  2. I don’t think anyone is ever fully healed before entering a new relationship as some of that healing comes from others as a last step of acceptance of feeling loved again. That being said I think a solid way to figure out if you’re relatively healed from your ex is when you no longer need to tell your current partner about them or the relationship itself.

  3. You can tell him but don’t be upset if he isn’t interested. But don’t string him along if you can’t stop thinking about your ex, it’s really not fair on him.

  4. If you’re not over your ex and very sure about it- you shouldn’t be dating you should be in therapy.

  5. If I was him I would want to know. This is how a lot of guys get ghosted. People end up working it out and new guy left thinking what happened lol

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