Both of us are on our second marriages. When we met I totally fell in love. She was sexually, physically and emotionally abused, by her ex. and I knew and was told it was going to be rough. We drink, yep, I know it’s not always healthy, I can absolutely stop when I need to, she cannot. Once she gets going she just won’t stop regardless of what is going on, how tired we may be, or how I tell her I feel about it. Then she gets angry, she’ll start talking down to me about my past, hitting me (not hurting me but still hitting me), telling me to get with younger hotter girls. When I can finally get her to leave a bar, she berates me the whole way home. It’s getting worse and I don’t want a divorce again, but I feel like I’m losing myself. She begs me to tell her we should not go out, then gets mad when I say lets not. She is going out now by herself meeting girlfriends and I’m afraid something is going to happen to her, because those friends leave and she continues. She has gotten handsy with other men, and has been caught up in kissing and grouping women. And she doesn’t touch me that way at all. Counseling will not work, she will see red! Ugh feeling so lost!

  1. > Counseling will not work, she will see red!

    This seems like the last thing you need to worry about. Your wife is an uncontrollable alcoholic and your marriage is going to end if things don’t get better. Let her see red, you’re trying to save your marriage and hopefully succeed at encouraging her to get help.

    []( to help you cope with her alcoholism and a marriage counselor for yourself to learn communication skills AND how to manage your own stress during this time. Even if you divorce, both will be VERY beneficial to you.

  2. My usual advice is that second marriage are often happy because people are wiser and more mature.

    You may have a bad “picker”. My advice is that you date and live together at least a year before your marry a third time.

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