Women who have had Covid, what lasting effects has it had on you?

  1. I was hospitalized for Covid in 2021 and almost died. I still can’t smell anything and I’m still tired all the time. I had significant hair loss for about a year.

  2. My husband, his family, and I all got it along with my Dad and none of us have had lasting effects from it. My Dad ended up having it for a couple weeks but the rest of us had it for a week or less. Dad and my BIL were the only ones who went and got tested for it. Dad had it a few months ago and the rest of us got it a couple years ago on Thanksgiving from my BIL who is a paramedic and was the one who got tested. We all have been fine since.

  3. I got covid November 2020 and I didn’t have any lasting symptoms. It was milder than the flu but it lingered for longer.

  4. Tired. All. The. Fucking. Time. Sometimes I wonder if it’s my type 1 diabetes. Or covid. Combo of both? I had covid twice. First time kicked my ass. I hardly had the energy to walk to the bathroom to pee. Second time was more like a mild cold. Nowhere near as bad. But ever since……. Never in my life have I always been so tired. No matter how much sleep I get or catch up on.

  5. I had covid after having the vaccine and a booster. I was asymptomatic and it had no lingering effects, but I think it delayed my period in the next cycle.

  6. I had it in March 2021, my only symptoms were no taste/smell for a week, so I got lucky. I’d say I’m more tired since then, and I notice aches and pains don’t avoid me anymore. I’m still among the lucky ones, one of my friends complained for smelling smoke all the time for about a year after she had it. A weird illness, for sure.

  7. I got lucky and got a watered down version of it so I didn’t lose my sense of taste or smell. Morning coffee still tasted as it should.

    I was sick though. More sick than a normal flu. It wasn’t fun at all.

    I had headache for a month after. I thought I would be one of those cases that would deal with it forever since at that point we were two years into covid and some of the early cases still dealt with this headache. I got lucky that it “only” laster a month. I woke up one morning and it was gone.

  8. I had COVID in December 2021/January 2022 and lost my sense of smell and taste. When it came back, it was altered. The biggest change was that I no longer liked the taste of soda. Pepsi cola tastes like motor oil to me. Now I like lemonade, when I had never been a fan before. It’s been roughly 18 months and those taste/smell changes have remained.

  9. I was lucky (?) I got COVID after all my shots and once it had started mutating to become less severe overall, so my case wasn’t that bad (still sucked a lot though. Wouldn’t recommend. Worse than a flu for sure). I felt like the exhaustion and brain fog lasted the longest. It took probably 6 months to get noticeable better. Unfortunately when that started to lift I got a concussion which pushed me way back. It’s been a struggle. Now I don’t know if I’m tired because of COVID, the concussion, depression, or just general health.

  10. Dysautonomia. Heart palpitations. My heart rate and blood pressure literally just dunno how to act anymore. Been a nightmare. Fuck anyone who downplays covid in a negative way just feel lucky you made it out fine and keep it moving, because *so many* of us did not.

  11. None. I’ve had it three times and all three times I didn’t even know I had it until all of the sudden my taste went away for a week.

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