So I want to make a career change but I don’t know to do else. So how do you figure out what job is ‘right’ for you? I have no particulair hobbies f.e cars, to use as point of start.

  1. It’s about priorities. Some jobs are there so people can punch in. Earn a wage. Punch out. Maybe you don’t need a job that’s “right” but a job that can sustain you. You can do what’s “right” on your own time..
    For me, I was lucky enough to find my purpose at a young age. I knew if I get a creative job then I won’t work a day in my life. My job is creative but still just a job. I earn a decent living and am very happy because when I come home I get to do whatever I want.. it’s just about listening to your internal compass

  2. Start looking into the trades, see if one of them seems interesting to you. They’re all pretty good careers with good earning potential.

  3. Well first you have to decide.

    Is work your primary passion, or is it just a means to an end to subsidize what you really want to do?

  4. The more skill sets you have, the less chance of being unemployed. Try everything!

  5. If ask myself what industries are essential for civilization to function, and focus on those areas.

    Transportation… energy… telecommunications….

  6. Well, This was my general thought process and how I wound up where I am. Fair warning it’s a little meandering. I wanted a job that primarily didn’t have to constantly interact with anyone. I love driving, just rolling the windows down and playing music or listening to audiobooks as I drive. I have great spacial awareness and a very long intention span. I loved the old trucker movies and construction vehicles.
    So clearly what I needed to do is listen to everyone and go to college, learned to program, get a ton of debt. Got a job programming, then warehouse work, retail, and a bunch of others and hated my life. Hit rock bottom and rolled around in the rocks just to add the insult to injury. Was on unemployment and eventually wound up trucking.
    My father got me in with one of the big LTL companies he works for and I love the work. Home every night, great pay, nearly zero human interaction unless I want it. He’s been trucking for 30+ years and convinced me not to do it and go to college. Anyways, that’s how I found out what was right for me as a career.

  7. Insert comment about being a pussy and manning up and just do something you hate for as much money as possible

  8. I would first ask yourself if there’s actually a job out there that will make it matter?

    In my honest opinion, for most people, there are no jobs out there that will actually fulfill them that much.

    They may be fun or help you feel accomplished from time to time, but nobody wants to be forced to get up in the morning to do anything.

    So I think it’s worth pondering over if having the wrong job is a fixable problem in the first place.

    Some are better than others. But you’re going to set yourself up for constant disappointment if you’re the type of person that just wants to get it done and go home.

    There’s nothing wrong with that, unless you are that way and can’t be honest with yourself.

  9. What sort of thing excited you? What makes you think ‘wow, I wish I could do that’?

    Do that.

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