Can i use any type of jelly for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or it has to be grape or strawberry?

  1. Jelly, jam, preserves, anything you happen to have. Honey works, too. But grape and strawberry jelly will be most common.

  2. Any. My prefered are peach or apricot. My mom’s go-to is blackberry. Dad liked applebutter. Just make sure that you have a glass of milk with it. The only people I know who dislike peanut butter and jelly sandwichs are folks who don’t like milk. It is an essential part of the experience.

    Edit: Ok some of y’all love pb&j without milk, I got it. I stand by my opinion that *most* people will like it more with a glass of milk.

  3. Just keep in mind that what we call “jelly” is different from what the Brits call “jelly”

  4. Be cautious: the Bureau of Sandwiches watches that like hawks. /s

    But seriously, put whatever the heck you want on your sandwich.

  5. The essential thing is that the peanut butter must be made from ROASTED peanuts, not that raw peanut nonsense that is apparently sold in some countries.

  6. You are the czarevitch, of what you put on your sandwich! If you want what I had growing up, use Concord grape jelly (gelatinized red grape juice. If you want what my friend had, use strawberry jam. But any fruit preserves on a peanut butter sandwich makes a proper PB&J!
    (credit to Chef John)

  7. Personally I like raspberry on mine but creamy honey is also very very good. But hey you use your favorite…

  8. To me the stereotypical would be seedless grape jelly (preferably Concord grape) but I prefer blackberry or boysenberry. Using toast can also be good, different bread types and replacing peanut butter with things like almond butter is also good! And don’t forget chunky peanut butter

    Edit: also, lays classic potato chips in the sandwich!
    Edit 2: spelling

  9. Grape jelly is the standard, but you also can’t go wrong with any jam or preserves made with any kind of fruit. Just don’t use Jell-O.

  10. Do you have American peanut butter? In my experience, what the rest of the world call ‘peanut butter’ is not the right stuff.

  11. The only kind of jelly I would not advise putting in a sandwich (besides various non-food items called ‘jelly’) would be mint jelly, which is a garnish for lamb.

    Other than that- grape, raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, beach-plum, whatever. Go to it. 🙂

  12. The American Way is to not give a shit and do what you want. Put grape, put orange preserves, put relish, put an unregistered machine gun, put a pot brownie, put strawberry jam, jelly, or preserves, put bananas, put Crack. The World is your oyster.

  13. Grape is traditional. But the amazing array of fruit jams and jelly’s in the world demands you try something different. I personally love raspberry jelly.

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