I’m in the kitchen making cookies and my husband and my kids(3,5) are squealing and laughing, just having the best time.

My husband came home from working a 10 hour shift today and put together a shelf and carried all the boxes from the basement into the garage without me having to ask. He knew I was planning on doing it myself and just did it while I cooked dinner.

Then he bathed the kids and got them ready for bed, all the while telling me how beautiful I am (I am 8 months pregnant and have gained 35lbs and am dirty and sweaty from working in the garden. I’m definitely feeling like I’m at my ugliest tbh)

There’s so much more, I mean honestly I could go on and on. He does so much for our family and makes so many sacrifices. He struggles with his mental health sometimes and despite all that, he still consistently puts in his best effort.

He is just such a special human, I’m beyond blessed to be his wife. I love this man so much and I feel so loved by him. There are hard days for sure, sometimes hard weeks, but man those are nothing compared to the good times.

This December will mark 7 years married and I can’t even begin describe how being with him has changed my life for the better. He teaches me everyday about love and patience and humility just by being himself. I wish I was better at putting my feelings into words. My heart could honestly just burst.

  1. I love reading this so much! I’m so happy to know other people feel this kind of love.

    My mother in law is visiting this week and we just keep gushing about how special my husband is lol were his biggest fan xD it’s been pretty cool to just get to openly gush about how awesome he is.

    I love hearing you gush too! Love like this is so special.

  2. Love it! It’s great to see the appreciation posts in this sub. Keep up the great work you guys.

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